used as a symbol of love. They’re beautiful and timeless, just like you.
-Aiden and Penny
Jessie snatches the card out of my hand and reads it aloud. When she’s done, she starts singing My Heart Will Go On.
“Are you singing Celine Dion?” I ask.
“I’m attempting to,” she retorts.
“Please, for everyone’s sanity, never do that again!” I tease, grabbing the card back.
“That hurts! I sing great!” she says.
Jerry mumbles, “If your audience is limited to a shower wall.”
“Oh, shut it! My shower walls applaud me every time!”
We all laugh, but what I really want to do right now is call Aiden and thank him and Penny for the lovely flowers.
“Assignments!” Ben shouts, circling us back to what we were previously discussing.
Patrick opens the folder and grins. “It looks like you’re with me, Savannah, and we’re staying local for this one.”
“Who is it?” I ask.
“The new coach for the Trenton Tornados is in need of a new wife,” Patrick says.
“What? I’m not doing the whole fake engagement thing again!”
Patrick looks despondent. “Why not? You’re the best at this sort of thing.”
I sigh. “Because I love Aiden. It was easy when I didn’t love anyone, but now that I do, I can’t pretend to love anyone else.”
“Well, that’s good to hear because I love you, too, Savannah Jones,” says a voice I’ve been longing to hear.
I look under the table and around my chair. “Who said that? It sounds like Aiden, but he’s in Savannah,” I joke.
“Anna! I’m right here!” Penny says as she scurries under the table to find me, meeting my gaze once she does.
“Dad is over there,” she says, pointing toward the door. “We wanted to surprise you! He got a job as a coach for Trenton, and I get to go to that school you told him about!”
I hit my head on the table in my excitement. “Ow!”
“Don’t hurt yourself, Anna. I’d like to marry you in one piece,” Aiden says with a chuckle. I peer over the table at him.
Roger stands up and addresses Aiden. “Mr. Shaw. What are your intentions with Savannah?”
Aiden laughs, “Okay. I see that we’re doing the whole father role-play thing.” Clearing his throat, he says, “Mr. Cavanaugh, I assure you my intentions are pure. My hopes and dreams are pinned on the idea of making Savannah Jones the future Mrs. Shaw. May I have your blessing?”
Roger pretends to make him a knight, “You have our blessing, Sir Shaw!”
Aiden laughs and walks over to me. I’m still on the floor with Penny under the table. He holds his hand out to me so I can get to my feet. “How about it, Anna? Would you like to be dubbed Mrs. Shaw?”
“Oh! My knight in shining armor!”
“Call me anything you want, as long as ‘husband’ is included.
I kiss Aiden thoroughly, the team whooping in laughter.