My despondency catches the attention of my team and my two bosses, Ethan and Ben. “What is your malfunction, Savannah?” Ben asks, blunt as always.
“There’s no malfunction, Ben. I just had my oil changed. I’m all lubricated and ready to go!”
Jessie starts cackling like a hyena next to me, while Ben simply stares at me stoically and says, “Care to rephrase?” I don’t understand what he means until I ponder my words. Burying my face in my hands, I simply say, “All I mean is that I’m good to go.”
Ethan tries to hide his smirk and fails epically. “Don’t worry, Savannah. We’ve all said things that inadvertently came out as innuendoes. There was the time Ben said…”
Ben pushes Ethan, “That story will go with you to the grave, my friend. Moving on. Savannah, what’s the wrap-up for the Shaw case?”
I open my folder, even though there is no need to look at my notes. “It’s pretty cut and dry. The FBI arrested the guilty parties but only charged the O’Sullivans since their dealings crossed state lines. I have not yet been updated on the sentencing.”
Roger raises his hand to speak. “Deputy Director Finnegan informed me that both Sean and Conor will be serving life sentences; 20 years for each count of money laundering and fraud. The FBI was unable to prove that they killed their father based on the video we were able to record of Conor’s confession. Either way, they’ll never see the light of day again after the evidence that Aiden’s grandparents kept. There were 1,248 counts of money laundering alone.”
Ethan nods toward Roger and then swivels his chair so that he faces me, “What else?”
“Amy continues to receive help, and she and Aiden communicate via letters. The letters are like two pen pals talking rather than her stalking. She got a job at a marketing firm in California and is doing quite well. Patricia dropped her suit against Aiden and was charged by local law enforcement with conspiracy to commit fraud, but none of the video evidence connected her definitely to any of Conor, Sean, or Swank’s actions. The courts, however, deemed her unfit to parent because of her ketamine habit and direct association with the O’Sullivans. As a result, Patricia can no longer attempt to gain custody of Penny ever again,” I say.
“What about Swanson Kristofferson?” my teammate, Carter, asks.
“Aiden didn’t press charges against his friend. However, Swank was removed from the team roster and banned from the league. The team came under severe scrutiny and had to forfeit their playoff spot, but the last known update is that Swank was the only player to be compromised. The league has also banned him from playing hockey in any form that results in a paycheck, including coaching. Basically, if he wants to play, he has to volunteer his time. It’s an easy sentence if you ask me, but Aiden is generous with his forgiveness,” I state.
Jerry leans forward, placing his elbows on the table and holding up a single finger. “Isn’t that what you said you love about him?”
I lean forward to meet his gaze, “Yes, but I don’t see how that’s relevant here.”
“Don’t you? His ability to look beyond the surface is what makes him special. I’d bet that Aiden saw Swank’s hurt more than his betrayal. He’s doing what he can so that Swank finds redemption through his love for his friend rather than his anger.”
I sigh. “I can’t argue with you.”
“What? You haven’t used your 6,000 words today, Savvy. Surely you can use a few of those to tell me I’m wrong,” Jerry says deadpan.
Patrick sits back in his seat, “Ariella says I need to get out of the house because I’m driving her up a wall. She’s got some bug and is sick all the time. How about we dole out assignments so I can appease my wife and give her what she wants?”
Ethan and Ben both stare at Patrick. “Dude, I know you missed the first round, but I doubt your wife is sick.”
“She’s throwing up all the time! Of course, she’s sick!” Patrick says with conviction.
A part of me hurts, but I couldn’t be happier for my friend. “Patrick, Ariella is most likely pregnant. You got married two months ago. Do the math!”
A slow smile creeps across his face. “Really?”
Ethan grins. “Welcome to the world of 3:00 a.m. grocery runs for pickles and hot Cheetos!”
Patrick looks like he’s about to vomit at the thought. “I don’t know if I can stomach watching my wife eat something so disgusting. Please tell me you have something for us.”
Ethan is sliding folders across the desk, one toward Jerry and one toward Patrick, when there’s a knock on the door.
Amelia, Ethan’s wife, comes in carrying a huge bouquet of Azaleas. “Sorry for the interruption, but I come bearing gifts!”
When she places the large bouquet in front of me, she whispers, “There’s a note.”
I take the card from the clip that holds it in place and open it up.
Did you know that Azaleas are the state flower of Georgia?
Did you know that they are associated with love and passion?
There are many meanings behind the Azalea, but they are always