“Every word. I’ll run their faces through our image recognition software and see if we get any hits. Watch your back.”
Martha’s concern is unmistakable when she reads the expression on my face, “Honey, who were those men you were talking to? Did they hurt you?”
“We’ll talk in the car. Forget the cart. We need to go.” Martha doesn’t argue, and we leave everything behind. I scan the parking lot as we make our way to the vehicle.
I ask Martha to remote start the car and sigh in relief when nothing unexpected occurs. I do a once-over and under to ensure that no one has tampered with it. It’s not until we’re through the gate and parked at the estate that I finally breathe and relax.
When Aiden gets home tomorrow morning, he will have a lot of explaining to do.
Chapter twenty-three
Islept most of the flight this morning since I tossed and turned throughout the night. Despite my exhaustion yesterday, I kept replaying the conversation I had with my parents over and over again in my head as I tried to go to sleep.
With Penny tucked in bed, the Shining Knight agents used that time to bring my other bodyguards into the fold while my parents and I had a private conversation in the living room. They knew something was bothering me the moment that I asked them to sit down.
“What’s wrong, Aiden?” Mom asked.
“Nothing. Everything. Today has been overwhelming. Between Patricia, the fake engagement with Anna, and the whole fiasco with Amy, I’m emotionally exhausted and spent. Patricia, I can handle. Her threat to hire a lawyer doesn’t scare me since I have the paperwork she signed abdicating her of any rights to see or interact with Penny. I hoped that Patricia had truly changed and wanted to have a relationship with our daughter— and I still do—but not at the expense of Penny’s well-being.”
My dad bobbed his head in agreement. “We have a team of lawyers at Pa’ Shaw. I’ll talk to them tomorrow and find out if there are any loopholes she can exploit. I’d rather us be prepared than blindsided.”
“Thanks, Dad, but I have a favor to ask that doesn’t relate to the situation involving Patricia. I know that we aren’t responsible for Amy’s condition, but we are inadvertently responsible for her inability to get proper medical care. Without her medication, she’s unstable, and I find it difficult to believe that she would be able to get a decent job or live a normal life without it.”
My dad leaned back against the cushion and crossed his arms. “Aiden, are you asking me to rehire her? I guarantee you that’s not possible. The HR department doesn’t fire at will, so there had to be a very good reason for the termination. It mitigates the potential for any lawsuits.”
Waving my hands up and down in a calming gesture, I explained, “Not at all. However, I would like to cover the costs of her prescription until she’s stable and can find another job. Can you make that happen?”
My parents both gave me sympathetic looks, but my dad promised to do what he could. “I can make the offer, Aiden, but there are no guarantees that Amy will accept it.”
“Entice her, Dad. Shining Knight is filing the paperwork for a restraining order, but maybe we can make it conditional or temporary by adding in a clause. If Amy seeks treatment, is on the medication for a set amount of time, and there aren’t any incidents, then it will be lifted. I’m spitballing here, and I’m open to suggestions, but I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t work. Since she’s not currently on the medication, maybe the prospect of getting close to me in three months may be the ticket to getting her to accept the offer. If she doesn’t accept it, then the restraining order remains in effect.”
My mom wasn’t pleased with my suggestion. “That’s a pretty big gamble, Aiden.”
“It is, but it’s the right thing to do. Amy didn’t fixate on me until after she stopped taking her prescription, which is expensive even with insurance. It’s Amy Smith who dreams of a life with me, not Amy Potslawski. Call it a ‘leap of faith,’ but I believe that if she takes her meds regularly, Amy Potslawski will re-emerge and be back in control.”
Mom leaned forward, “At least Anna will be by your side and can help keep you safe, but you’ll still need to watch your back in the meantime, Aiden.”
“Yeah, but how long will Anna be here? Once this job is over, she’ll have to leave, and I’ll have to come up with some story for the break-up that doesn’t put her in a negative light.”
Mom’s impish smile returns, “Why? Anna said you two will have a long engagement to get to know one another. Maybe by the time this is all over, her words will be true. She cares about you and Penny. We all care about her. You’re already a hair’s breadth away from falling in love, and I don’t see any reason why you can’t turn this charade into a reality.”
“Do you really think it’s possible? Her life isn’t here anymore; it’s in New York. I doubt Anna would be willing to stay, even for us.”
Mom stood up and took my hands in hers, “Aiden, the question isn’t whether or not she would stay for you. The real question is whether or not you would go for her. You’re the one at the crossroads in your life, not Anna. You’re about to retire from a life you’ve always known and embark on a new adventure. I don’t see any reason why it can’t be in New York. You just have to ask yourself if Anna is worth it.”
I didn’t have to take time to think about it. Anna was most definitely worth it.
It took me quite a while before I fell asleep, my mom’s words at the forefront of my mind. Was she right? Should I spend what little time Anna and I have left showing her what a life with me would be like if we didn’t have threats looming over us? The answer I came up with was a resounding “Yes!” Now, the only question is how to go about achieving my goal.
I’m riding the adrenaline high from our win this afternoon against the Bangor Barracudas, enjoying my time with the team as a few of them bust out the champagne bottles on our charter. With a 5-2 win, we clinched a spot in the playoffs even if we lose the last eight games. I pray that’s not the case, but since the coach and I agreed that I will play far less for the rest of the regular season, it’s a real possibility.
Roger sits beside me on the plane and hands me a tablet. “Mr. Shaw, you might want to take a look at this.”
I swipe the screen, and the first thing that pops up is an article titled “The King of Hockey is Engaged to the Long-Lost Queen of Georgia.” I scan the first few paragraphs, but it’s enough to get the gist.
Former Miss Georgia, Savannah Jones, has returned to our beloved city and set her sights on none other than our very own King of Hockey—Aiden Shaw. As Georgia’s most eligible bachelor and billionaire, does it truly surprise anyone that Savannah Jones would emerge to sink her claws into his bank account?