Page 38 of Worthy

I walk to the front door and open it, prompting her to leave. “Rights that you gave up five years ago, Patricia. Rights you gave up without a fight in exchange for a year of my salary. I have to wonder, did you ever really love me, or was it my bank account? You say that Anna is after me for my money, but she hasn’t asked for a thing.”

She grabs her purse off the coffee table and stomps toward me. “Expect to be hearing from my lawyer, Aiden!”

Swank is walking up the steps at the same time that Patricia stumbles down them. “Leaving so soon, Cruella?” he asks her.

“Shut it, Swank!” she shouts, fumbling with the keys to her car. I watch as she peels out of the driveway and then has to slam on her brakes because the front gates don’t open fast enough.

Swank pushes past me. “Looks like I missed all the fun. Ooh! Is that your dad’s brisket I smell?”

We walk together to the back patio, where my dad is smoking the meat. “You’re early, Swank, and the food won’t be ready until one o’clock. That’s when everyone is expected to arrive.”

“I came early because I need to talk to you. I’m sure you watched the game last night.”

I grab two beers out of the cooler and hand him one. “I did.”

“Then you know why you can’t retire. We need you, Aiden. We’re lost without you.” He sounds so dejected, tugging at my heart, but not hard enough to change my mind.

“Is it the team that’s lost without me, Swank, or you? We’ve played together almost all of our lives, except for the two years you signed with the Rockets before I did.”

“And those two years were a disaster! Did you know I would have been traded if it weren’t for your dad and his epic negotiation skills? I have one more season on my contract, and I need to make it count if I stand any chance of continuing my career. Can’t you retire after next season, Aiden? It’s only a year.”

I take a sip of my beverage and shake my head, “No. I’ve made my decision. You’re one of the best right-wingers in the league, Swank. If you can get your attitude in check and lead the players instead of screaming at them, you’ll have no problem getting a new contract. You’re an exceptional player.”

“You can’t leave me hanging, Bro!”

“I can’t leave my daughter hanging, either. I don’t want to work six days a week and be gone for half of that. I want to be home and watch her grow up.”

Swank mutters, “Says the billionaire without a care in the world.”

“That’s not fair, Swank. I made good investments and didn’t spend frivolously. You can’t blame me because you didn’t do the same.”

“Fine. At least you can’t say that I didn’t try.” He scans the expansive backyard, and his eyes light up when they land on Anna, Penny, and Jessie playing. “Who is that little hottie?”

“You better be referring to Jessie. She would be one of Penny’s new bodyguards.”

Swank throws his empty beer bottle in the recycle bin and strides toward the ladies like a man on a mission. I follow slowly, but only because I need to have a private conversation with Anna and explain myself.

I don’t know what Swank says to Jessie, but I’m sure it is very “Swanklike” based on what happens next. Swank reaches out to touch Jessie’s face, which is the wrong thing to do. Jessie uses his forward momentum to grab his arm and pull, using her free hand to reach under his shoulder. She turns her body so that her back is flush with his, placing her right foot behind his. Squatting down, she flips Swank over her shoulder, causing his back to hit the ground hard.

I can’t contain my laughter when I stare down at him and watch him blink away the stars. “That’ll teach you, Swank. Look, but don’t touch.”

I half expect him to be upset about being bested by a woman, and a tiny one at that, but he smiles, “I think I’ve just met the woman of my dreams.”

Jessie helps him up, “Or your worst nightmare,” she teases.

Penny stands in utter awe at what she just witnessed. “That was amazing, Jessie! Can you teach me how to do that, please, with a cherry on top?”

Jessie sneaks a peek in my direction, silently asking for permission. “Penny loves to learn. If you’re willing to teach her, it’s okay by me. Self-defense is a useful skill to have.”

Jessie gives Swank the side-eye before saying loud enough for everyone to hear, “I’d be happy to, if only so Penny can defend herself against egotistical men with cheesy pickup lines.”

We’re all chuckling when, all of a sudden, Anna stops and swipes at the back of her neck. Jessie notices and asks her what’s wrong.

“I feel like I’m being watched. The hairs on my neck are raised like I’ve been electrocuted.” Anna’s eyes roam over everyone present, which right now is the party planning staff, my parents, and all of the security personnel. She zeros in on a staff member and squints to make out the details. “Her. The one with short, red hair.”

Jessie doesn’t hesitate and taps her ear. She starts murmuring, and I can barely hear her describe the woman in question. Before I know it, Jerry is on the move while Roger circles around the house in the opposite direction. Scott enters the house while Jeremy and Jack spread out to cover the open areas.

“Stay here with Penny,” Jessie says to me, but the request is really meant for Anna. Swank is confused when Jessie takes off running after her partners.