I shake each of their hands, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, and thank you for coming on such short notice. That man standing over there, all stoic and aloof, is Scott. You’ll get to meet Jack and Jeremy once we’re inside.”
Anna steps forward, “As you know, two of you will help guard Penny while one of you will be assigned to fill in for David and protect Aiden. We don’t have much time to debrief before you’re in the thick of it. Aiden’s ex-wife should be showing up any minute and is a possible suspect. A party planning company is expected to arrive shortly after—around noon—for a barbeque that starts at 1:00 p.m. Nearly 60 people are expected to be in attendance.”
Roger turns to me, “If you don’t mind me asking, Mr. Shaw, why would you have so many unknown variables at your home when your life and the life of your daughter are being threatened?”
I understand why he asked the question and appreciate that he didn’t do it condescendingly. “With the exception of the party planning company, the variables aren’t unknown to me.”
Roger merely raises an eyebrow, and Jerry grunts in displeasure, but it’s Jessie who retorts, “Well, let’s not just stand around here looking cute! Let’s get this party started!”
I shake my head as I follow them inside, Scott trailing behind me and entering last. Scott talks in a quiet tone, which is meant just for me. “Sir, forgive me for sounding cliché, but you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. I’ve heard exceptional things about the agents at Shining Knight Protective Services. They may seem like a rag-tag bunch that doesn’t take anything seriously, but I assure you that they’ll get the job done.”
Chapter eighteen
Aiden picks up Penny and asks if she’s ready to meet her new bodyguards. I can’t help but laugh when her eyes peruse my team, and she scrunches her nose in confusion. “Why aren’t you wearing suits?”
Jessie bends down to Penny’s level but doesn’t have to go far since she’s barely five feet tall. “Can I share a secret with you?”
Penny bobs her head enthusiastically.
“Suits are for sissies!” Jessie whisper-shouts. Jeremy, Jack, and Scott all chuckle because they’re wearing suits per their company’s dress code policy and at Aiden’s behest. “We want to be stealthy, and there’s no better way to do that than to look like everyone else!”
Aiden rolls his eyes and addresses the three bodyguards, “I can take a hint. You three are no longer required to wear suits if you don’t want to.”
“Thank you, Sir,” Scott says. “There will be times when it will be appropriate, but that’s not always the case.” Jeremy and Jack are equally relieved.
Penny asks Jessie, “How can you protect me when you’re so tiny?”
Jerry chimes in, “She might be small, but she’s mighty. Don’t let her size fool you.”
Jessie tells her, “It’s my disguise. I’m really seven feet tall!”
“No way!” Penny says, astonished.
“Yep. It’s what’s in here that matters,” Jessie says, pointing to Penny’s heart.
Penny’s eyes light up with joy, “Dad says I have a big heart, so I must be seven feet tall, too!”
Aiden rubs her head, “That’s right! Your heart is as big as they come. You’re a giant!”
The phones chime with an alert that someone has arrived, and I brace myself for the impending tornado that is about to storm this house. Jerry looks over my shoulder at the screen since they haven’t downloaded the app yet.
“Is that the ex?” he asks as Aiden heads out front to greet the guest with Scott right beside him.
I sigh. “Yeah. She met me for two seconds and called me a gold-digger. She’s afraid I’m after ‘her man.’”
He whispers, “She has every right to be afraid. We haven’t been here long, and I’ve already seen the way Aiden looks at you. He definitely wants to be more than friends. Heck, I thought he would try and pummel me just for hugging you.”
I ignore Jerry’s comment and turn to Penny, “I know you don’t want to see your mother, but everyone deserves a second chance. What she does with it is up to her, but only you can give it to her.”
Martha slides her arm across my shoulders. “That’s sage advice, Anna. I wonder if there’s anyone else in this room who should take it?” Although she doesn’t call me out by name, her meaning is loud and clear.
A second later, Aiden and Patricia waltz through the front door. Aiden is scowling while Patricia is all smiles and looks like a million bucks. Then I silently chuckle because what she’s wearing probably costs something close to that.
“Let’s give them some space,” I announce, ushering my team out of the room. To my surprise, Martha, Jeremy, and Jack join us. I thought at least Martha would have wanted to stay and keep an eye on Patricia.
Reading my mind, Martha explains, “Aiden is more than capable of handling the situation. I’m going to keep myself occupied by helping Reggie get things set up for the barbecue. The party company will be here soon, and I’ll need to direct them.”