“Roger Cavanaugh, it’s great to see you again!” My father greets his friend with a handshake.
“It’s been a long time, King Trevor..”
“It’s just Trevor, now. My son, Aaron, took over the role of king two years ago.” They chit-chat for a few minutes, and introductions are made. Everyone knows everyone by the time all is said and done.
My father stands before me with a huge grin. “Ariella, may I assume that you won’t be returning to Cothena with me?”
“No, Father. I’ll be staying here. However, Patrick has agreed to marry me per Cothena’s customs so that our marriage can be legitimized in the eyes of our people.”
He faces Patrick, “You would be willing to do that? To stand in front of thousands of people in nothing but a ceremonial loincloth while the priest shaves and tattoos your head?”
“Um. Yes?” The look on Patrick’s face is one of pure horror.
Kiernan nudges him, “It isn’t as bad as it sounds. I’ve heard it tickles more than anything. It’s when they dip you in boiling wax to strip the hair from your body and then cast you in plaster for a mold that you will wonder if it’s all worth it.”
“Why would you do that?” He sounds so panicked that it’s hard for me to keep a straight face.
“For your ‘His and Hers’ wedding present. They make statues to immortalize you in history,” Jordain adds.
I rub Pat’s arm gently and flutter my eyelashes coquettishly, “I’m worth it, though. Is that right, Sweetie?” I feel a shudder run through his body before it becomes rigid with determination, steeling himself for what’s to come. “I’d go to the ends of the earth for you, Ariella. If shaving and tattooing my head, boiling myself in hot wax, and standing in front of thousands of people in nothing but a loincloth is what I need to do to spend forever with you, then I’ll do it.”
“Good man! Welcome to the family,” my dad says.
Patrick - One month later
Ariella and I had to wait two very long weeks before we could get married because Queen Julietta was still in recovery after being woken up from her drug-induced coma. One of her first orders of business was to sign the decree abolishing the practice of arranged marriages, citing that “Love should never be forced. You can’t make a person fall in love simply by willing it so.” She glanced longingly at Aaron when she had said those words, and I felt a twang of pity for her.
Once Aaron had been informed of what his mother had done and her influence over Julietta, he looked almost relieved that she thought she was doing what she felt was right because of his mother’s influence. After having a long conversation with her brother, Ariella had told me that his distance from his wife had more to do with her nagging him about the opium trade than a lack of love. Maybe now, they can work things out and give their relationship another chance.
Our wedding was an extravagant affair, the complete opposite of our ceremony in the Bahamas. I’m happy to say that it did not involve being boiled alive or tattooing, but it did mean having to say our vows in front of thousands of people. I was allowed to wear a tuxedo instead of a loincloth, something for which I’ll forever be grateful.
Everyone who is anyone to me was in attendance. I got a little teary-eyed when I learned that Ethan and Ben had flown out all of the available Shining Knight Protectors, including my entire team, to see us get married–again. They also ensured that my mom and dad could attend by getting them first-class plane tickets; which they greatly enjoyed. A Cothena wedding doesn’t allow groomsmen or bridesmaids, but I was permitted to have Alex stand in as my best man. I wouldn’t have had it any other way.
There wasn’t a dry eye in the house as Ariella walked down the aisle looking absolutely stunning in a Vera Wang wedding gown. Her face was filled with joy, and her eyes sparkled with happiness, mirroring my own. Nothing could have wiped the smile from my face at that moment, watching my future walk toward me.
When it came time to kiss the bride, I’m sure the proper etiquette was for me to make it chaste. But I couldn’t do that when I had been waiting for so long to spend the rest of my life kissing her with my whole self. I took my time showing her how much I loved her, kissing her long, hard, and deeply. The crowd cheered while the priest laughed and said, “Americans” before shaking his head and walking away, which officially ended the ceremony.
The celebrations afterward lasted for days as people feasted and danced in the streets. I was glad that the people of Cothena had welcomed me with open arms despite knowing the role that I played in the arrest of their former queen, who had been beloved by her people. As much as I enjoyed the festivities and all the well-wishes, I was more than ready to get Ariella alone.
The gift that Amelia had mentioned for us was a paid vacation to the Bahamas, where we could spend our honeymoon—the one we never had the chance to experience. Of course, Alex didn’t join us on this trip for obvious reasons, but he did get to spend time at the ranch with his grandparents, riding horses and feeding the chickens. His gift from my bosses was having his horse, Lightning McQueen, delivered to the ranch. He’d had so much fun that he didn’t want to leave when we came to pick him up. It brought me a great amount of joy to see him so happy.
After we returned to my apartment in New York, which was much too small for the three of us, we decided it was time to start looking for a place suitable for a family and not a bachelor. Since Ariella had accepted an offer to work at Cothena’s embassy, located only a few miles from the Shining Knight building here in the city, Trevor bought us a penthouse with plenty of room to grow our family. He also bought the two large apartments on the floor below to house the four royal guards assigned to protect us. I laughed when he did that, considering what I do for a living. But he said, “Patrick, you have a job to do that will take you away from your family. Ariella and Alex are still royal and require security. Let me provide this for you so you don’t have to worry about their well-being when you need to keep others safe.” I couldn’t argue that logic and had to agree.
Now that we’re back, it’s time to return to work. This is the first time I’ve walked into the office with a spring in my step.
“Welcome back, Pat,” Ethan says as we sit around the table to debrief and dole out future assignments.
Ben asks, “Pat, where are we at with the Cothena assignment? Are we able to close it out?”
“Yes. The trials have all been concluded. The twelve men who were following Gabriella’s orders were told that Ariella and Alex were being held hostage, and they thought they were there to rescue them from Jordain’s men and us. They weren’t found guilty of treason, but they were relieved of their positions in the royal guard. The doctor, who had kept Queen Julietta in a coma, was sentenced to life in prison.
“As far as Gabriella Caras is concerned, she was found guilty of multiple counts of attempted regicide. However, when she was being detained, she began to show signs of withdrawal from opium use, which is what had led to the degradation of her mental state over the past few years. Instead of going to prison, she was sentenced to spend the rest of her life in a secure and private facility that operates under the guise of a rehabilitation center in Brachha.”
Ben nods in approval. “That was a very diplomatic approach to a tough situation.”
“It was,” I agree. “Thankfully, her actions haven’t affected the people’s perception of the rest of the Caras line, but they did help Aaron and Julietta facilitate the establishment of a parliament. It’s still a year or two away from becoming a reality, but the people are happy with the arrangement. Those who favor a monarchy will still have their King and Queen, while those who want a voice will have that as well.