As we spread the chicken feed on the muddy ground, Alex notices an egg buried in the sodden grass. He runs over to pick it up and sees several more. “What do we do?” he asks.
“Do you see the basket hanging on the side of the chicken coop? Grab that and start collecting the eggs.” Alex does as I tell him, excited with each new find. By the time I’m done feeding the chickens, he’s collected almost two dozen eggs. It’s a sign that spring is near when the hens become productive again.
“We should take these to Grandma so she can use them for breakfast tomorrow,” he suggests.
“That’s a great idea. Let’s go do that.” We walk together back to the main house, Alex sticking by my side as promised.
No sooner are we through the door than Alex boasts about his find. “Look what we have, Grandma! Eggs! Can I help you cook them tomorrow?” he asks, handing her the basket.
“Thank you! I’d love that! Do you want to learn how to make blueberry muffins, too? Maybe your Mama can help as well.”
Alex spends the next few minutes helping my mom clean the eggs and then washing his hands afterward. Once he’s done, he rubs his hands together and asks, “What next? Can we ride the horses today?”
“I’m not sure if it’s safe to do that yet, Alex. Why don’t we talk to everyone and see what they think?” His smile doesn’t fall, but it dims a little. I text everyone, informing them of his request and asking them to meet at the barn in five minutes to share their thoughts.
“Hey, Kiddo. I hear you want to go for a horseback ride,” Jesse says when she notices our approach.
“Yeah. But Daddy isn’t sure if it’s safe enough to ride yet.”
Jerry puts his hand on Alex’s shoulder reassuringly but addresses me. “If I stay here and continue to monitor the live feeds, I can alert you the moment someone steps foot on the property. We won’t have to wait for a perimeter breach to get a warning, which should buy you enough time to leave the area and get to safety.”
My dad dangles a set of keys in front of us. “I’ll take the ATV and follow you. I can give you added protection should it be required. Plus, it will be good for the three of you to get out. Savannah can be my wingman. I hear she’s an excellent shot.”
Savannah blushes under the praise. While Jessie excels in hand-to-hand combat, Savannah is quick on the draw and doesn’t miss when it comes to handguns. Give her a rifle, and she can shoot a flea off a dog at a thousand yards.
“I’ll stay here with Jerry and your mom. Go and spend time with your family. You can never take them for granted,” Jessie says with a sad smile.
I don’t know much about Jessie’s past since she doesn’t share freely. It’s an unspoken rule for our team never to pry. However, she has let it slip on occasion that she was raised in the foster care system and even spent a year living on the streets.
I don’t hear what my dad tells her, but I watch as he wraps her in a hug. What surprises me more than anything is that she returns it. I’ve never seen Jessie show any kind of affection, but something in my heart warms at the sight of her accepting a fatherly embrace. I get the feeling that she really needed it.
Chapter eighteen
I’m as excited to go riding as Alex is. I’ve never been a person who enjoys being confined to a small area, always having had free roam of a place. I love the fresh air, earthy smells, and the sense of freedom. It took me time to get used to the idea of closed curtains and remaining indoors, but Patrick made a valid point. It wouldn’t matter much if we weren’t around to enjoy it.
Patrick and his father each led out a beautiful Appaloosa—one gray and one brown; both with white spotted rumps. I had seen several types of horses grazing in the pastures, including American Quarter horses and a few Thoroughbreds. I had been expecting to ride either of those breeds due to their speed. A fast horse is essential to getting away quickly.
“They’re gorgeous. What are their names?” I ask as Alex holds out his hand for the horse to sniff. Don instructs his grandson to hold his hand flat, placing a slice of apple in it so that Alex can give the horse a treat. The horse’s soft lips tickle, and Alex can’t help but laugh.
“This fine specimen is John Wick,” Patrick informs me as he solidly pats the brown horse’s neck.
“He’s fast, doesn’t flinch in the face of danger, and is relentless in his pursuit of solace. He’ll stop at nothing until he’s back home and most comfortable. The pretty little lady that Alex is spoiling with apples is Belle. Belle is the beauty, and John Wick is the beast. They’ve been raised together since they were foals.”
“I thought you would have us ride the faster horses in case we encounter trouble,” I admit.
“Which ones were you thinking?”
I point to the Quarter horses. “Them. They’re the fastest ones, aren’t they?”
He bobs his head. “They sure are, but only for short distances. They’re great sprinters but not great for a longer run. Our Thoroughbreds have better endurance.”
“Okay. Then why did you choose the Appaloosas?”
Patrick rubs his hand up and down John Wick’s shoulders, getting a small neigh of appreciation. “Our Thoroughbreds, Rhett and Scarlett, are temperamental and have a fiery spirit. They are more likely to throw you from their back and leave you behind rather than behave. John Wick and Belle have both endurance and speed, as well as sweet dispositions.”
“There are only two horses. I assume Alex is riding with either you or me.” Alex is more than capable of riding a horse and has been doing it for years, but none of the horses he’s ridden have been near this big.