“Don’t forget who hired you, Patrick. As the client, it’s ultimately up to me to decide what we are willing to tolerate,” I told him, thinking that would end the discussion. I was wrong.
“And why did you hire us, Ari? Actually, why did your father hire us? Since he’s floating the bill, maybe we should ask him.”
I know I’m being bratty and need to rein it in. Sighing, I tell him the truth, “He hired you because he trusts you and wants the best.”
He softens his voice and takes my hands, “Then maybe you should, too. This is what we do. Trust us to do our jobs, even if you don’t like what has to be done. We’re doing everything we can to keep life as normal as possible for you and Alex. A few closed curtains and limited outdoor playtime are small prices to pay if it keeps you both alive. Remember that I have as much to lose as you do.”
“Thank you. Everything should be finished by tonight, and things will start to feel more normal tomorrow. Well, as normal as can be.”
“Aww, you two sound like an old married couple,” Savannah teases, walking into the kitchen and sitting at the table next to Jerry. He had been so quiet that I had forgotten he was there.
Charlie isn’t far behind her and says, “I remember having a few disagreements with your father regarding parenting styles. When Don finally came home for good, it was an adjustment having him here every day. I had been the primary parent for so long that it was difficult for me to relinquish any control. At the same time, Don needed to learn what the rules were before he interjected himself into the parenting role. We had to communicate with each other and establish new boundaries with you, Son. I had to give a little, and he had to bend a little. It’s all part of the process.”
I had to give Charlie credit. She gave Pat and me sage advice without condemnation. I have to give a little, and Patrick has to bend. The thing is, he’s been bending this whole time without any give from me.
“I’m sorry. I appreciate what you’re trying to do. Thank you for that. I’ll try to be more accommodating and less of a pain in the butt about things.”
“You’re not a pain,” he says, followed by Jerry saying, “Speak for yourself!” I glare at Jerry, but once again, a tiny smirk appears, and I can’t bring myself to get mad at his attempt at teasing.
“Where is Alex?” I ask, looking around the room.
“He’s in the pool with Don and Jessie, having a grand old time,” Charlie informs me.
At least Alex seems to be acclimating without any issues. Maybe it’s just me. I’ve always had free roam of the palace without worrying about my safety. Living in a much smaller place with so many people would take some getting used to.
“Are you ready to learn how to shoot?” Savannah asks as Jessie and Jerry carry in a couple of small cases. Charlie and Don follow, carrying much larger ones, which I can only assume are the rifles they plan on using.
Alex bounces up and down with excitement, grinning at his dad. “You promised you would teach me! Which one do I get to use?”
“You get to use the same one I learned with at your age. It’s a Winchester Model 1906. But we are going to go over gun safety first, okay?” Patrick pulls out six tiny blue bullets and sets them on the table.
Patrick explains to Alex that he should always point the gun down range, never point it at anything he doesn’t intend to shoot and to keep his finger off the trigger until he’s ready to fire.
Once Alex repeats the rules several times and commits them to memory, Patrick works with him on his breathing, stance, and how to load the weapon properly. All in all, it takes almost two hours, and we haven’t even left the house yet.
Savannah stands next to me, watching as the men talk about guns. “I hope you were listening. Even though Pat was talking to your son, the same rules apply to you. It would be a shame to have to go through all of that again,” she says teasingly.
I chuckle. “I did. I think I’m almost as excited as Alex is. I’ve never seen him so captivated. He learns things easily and often gets bored quickly.”
“It probably has more to do with who is teaching him rather than what he’s learning,” she says. I can’t help but agree with her.
When Patrick grabs the six blue bullets from the table and begins showing Alex how to load the gun, my eyes widen in alarm. “Are you planning on shooting in the house?” I ask.
Having snuck up on us, Jessie tells me, “They’re just dummy rounds. It’s so that Alex can get used to what the trigger pull feels like. This way, he doesn’t go landing butt first in the snow when he shoots.”
“Like some people I know,” says Jerry, still sitting at the table and staring at the laptop screen.
“At least I gave everyone a good show,” I joke back.
“That you did,” Savannah says. “How about I show you the parts and functions of your weapon while they practice? Patrick isn’t going to let him outside until he knows Alex is comfortable with handling the rifle, which gives us a little time. Since I don’t have to go through all the safety drills, we’ll review the weapon’s features. This is a Glock 19, which takes 9 mm rounds. It’s small enough for your hands but still packs a punch.”
We have a light lunch once the lessons are over, and Patrick tells us how things will go once we get outside. “Jerry will be on the porch, watching the camera feeds on his laptop. Jessie, Savannah, and my mom will teach you how to use your Glock while Grandpa and I teach Alex how to use the rifle.”
All the men are smiling, and Patrick has his hand on one of Alex’s shoulders while Don has his hand on the other. It’s a picture-perfect moment. A warm feeling spreads through my body when I see how happy all three men are and how much Alex is loved and accepted here. My father has always doted on him, but my mother has been an entirely different story. For some reason, she hasn’t taken to him as a grandmother should. Everything is always a lesson with her, and her time spent with Alex is about him learning his duties as a prince. Aaron told me once that she treated him the same way when he was growing up—always a royal first and a son a distant second.
“Ready to do this?” Savannah asks, rubbing her hands together excitedly. It’s an excitement I don’t quite understand.