Page 48 of Honor Bound

“Mama Bear is ready for a fight,” she says, putting up her dukes.

“Am I supposed to say something?” Ariella asks. I chuckle because no one told her that she has to practically whisper.

“You’re fine, Ari. You just need to talk softly. The devices are designed so that others around you can’t hear what you’re saying.”

She barely speaks, but her voice comes through clear. “Like this?”

“Perfect. Now, let’s get you two secured.”

Jessie puts on her ballistic helmet with the NVDs attached but flipped in the “up” position. “Let’s get this party started,” she says once she’s ready. Alex’s eyes are like saucers, but it’s curiosity I see in them rather than fear.

“Alex. You and your mom are going to a very safe place, but I need you to do me a big favor. Can you take care of your mom for me while you’re there?”

He puffs out his chest. “I’ll be brave like you, Daddy. I’ll take real good care of Mommy.”

I pull both of them into a family hug. “As soon as it’s safe, I’ll come for you. I love you both.” I kiss Alex on the head and my wife on the lips.

“I love you, too. Come back to me, Patrick,” she says before following Jessie out of the room.

I smile but don’t say anything. I won’t make her a promise that I can’t guarantee I’ll be able to keep. Just because our primary ammunition is nonlethal doesn’t mean our intruders use the same.

As soon as Alex and Ari are gone, the rest of us don our helmets. I shouldn’t be surprised that my parents have their own. My dad was a Navy Seal, after all.

“Lights are approximately a half a click away, moving slowly. Do you have them on camera, Jerry?” Savannah asks.

Jerry does, and we watch nine men in a staggered line cautiously move through the woods.

“There are nine of them. Based on their point of entry, I’m going to make a logical guess that they’re Jordain’s men. They’re all wearing camouflage and have night vision capability. Use your thermal scope to monitor them and keep us updated,” he tells her.

“Roger,” Savannah acknowledges.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Jerry relays the information. “Perimeter breach in sectors Delta three and Delta four. Standby for video.”

Unlike the men coming from the North, these guys are wearing all black and balaclavas. My parents stand next to me, looking at the screen. My dad huffs, “Looks like all the players are here tonight. Are those Julietta’s men?”

I cross my arms. “I believe so. I count eight of them. Jerry, can you confirm?”

“There are eight, and they’re using their rifle scopes to see, which means they most likely have night vision capability as well, though not as effective as Jordain’s men. How do you want to handle this, Pat?”

“With Alex and Ari in the panic room, I want to head these guys off. Savannah, are you in a position that you can move freely if your muzzle flash is detected?” I ask. The ATX shouldn’t have a muzzle flash with the type of ammo she’ll be using. However, if she has to switch to the Barret, there will be no hiding it.

“I do. I also have excellent concealment from their NVDs. Wait! Jordain’s men just turned off their flashlights and went tactical. I still have them on thermal, and they should be in range within two minutes,” she says.

“Do you have a good visual on Julietta’s men coming toward our position from the South?”

“Affirmative, but Jordain’s men are closer. Do you want me to engage them when they arrive behind the paddocks? I’ll have a clear shot.”

“Yes,” I tell her. If we were using standard ammunition, I would wait for them to engage, but since we’re not, there is no reason to let it get to that point.

Jessie returns and gives me a thumbs up, and I breathe a little easier, knowing that my loved ones are now officially safely tucked away.

“It’s time to go lights out. Dad, can you throw the breaker?”

“Sure, Son.” Except he doesn’t get the chance because our enemy did it for us.

Chapter twenty-four