Page 14 of Thorns

Her breathing shallow and rapid, Rose pulled her mouth back from his to press a kiss to his jaw.

Luke rested his hand against her cheek, leaning his forehead against hers. “I missed you so much,” he managed through unsteady breaths. A weight lifted from him with the words, and he held her tightly against him.

She kissed his cheek. “I hope you don’t have to stay too horribly late.”

He laughed softly. “I think I can swing coming home early.”

Rose nuzzled his neck, shifting off of his cock but continuing to sit in his lap. “I should probably go before I get you in trouble, shouldn’t I?”

“Stay for a minute.” Luke ran his fingers through her hair and leaned close to kiss her softly as he shut his eyes. He felt her fingertips trace the contours of his chest, and he shivered under her touch. He pulled away enough to look at her face as his hand slid up and down her back, grazing the smooth fabric of her dress. He regretted not undressing her completely, and he intended to do so at the next opportunity.

“I may try this again sometime.” Rose kissed his nose, and Luke smiled. “The look in your eyes was worth it.” She climbed off his lap and slipped on her shoes. “I really should go, though, before someone comes to investigate the noise.”

Her cheeks flushed, and he chuckled. Rose wasn’t the least bit shy about her desires when the two of them were alone, but Luke adored how embarrassed she still became at the thought of anyone else knowing the things they did behind closed doors.

Luke pulled on his underwear and pants, and he was reaching over the arm of his chair for his shirt when Rose leaned close and her lips found his once more.

“I don’t give a damn what anyone thinks,” Luke mumbled between kisses. “Not where you’re concerned.” He tucked a lock of hair behind her ear as he processed the truth of his words. Yes, people were bound to talk. But it was worth it, for her.

Rose smiled and pulled back, starting for the door. “Don’t work too hard.”

Luke smiled as he watched her hips swing with her steps and paused when he recalled what was sitting beside him. “Rose, you’ve forgotten something.” He reached for the panties she’d tucked under his leg and held them up with a smirk.

She turned toward him and glanced from the underwear to his face, a smile playing on her lips. “Oh, I didn’t forget. Think of me.” She blew him a kiss and unlocked the door, slipping outside and closing it behind her.

Luke laughed under his breath and shook his head, his smirk still in place. “Tease,” he muttered. He tucked the panties into his pocket and pulled on his shirt, finding the thought of returning to the paperwork on his desk laughably unappealing.

Chapter Eight

Rose couldn’t stop smiling as she made her way out of Luke’s office and down the hall, and she was incredibly thankful that his room was a decent distance away from the other ASAs’. While the two of them had had their share of adventurous sex, she’d never done something quite as bold as showing up at his office with the intention of seducing him before. While she was proud of herself both for attempting it and for succeeding, she was relieved that no one else had been close enough to hear what had happened behind the locked office door. She saw people sitting at desks in her periphery as she passed other doorways, and heat rushed to her cheeks at the idea of them seeing her in such a short dress, but she rationalized that at least it had had its intended effect.

Luke hadn’t sent her away the second she’d walked in. He’d admitted to wanting her, and he’d more than proven as much. Her body still tingled, her nerves alight with the memory of his touch. She couldn’t get over how skilled he was, how he could still pull every little sound and reaction from her as easily as though they hadn’t spent even a day apart.

She ignored the people crowding the lobby and kept her shoulders back, her chin raised just slightly, and her stride confident as she passed them and made her way out into the parking lot. She slipped into her white Impala and pretended not to notice her phone sitting in the passenger seat, where she’d shifted it from the glove box after leaving Luke’s house that morning. This only lasted until the first stoplight, though. Rose grew more anxious with each time she thought about how many calls and texts she’d probably missed and how many people were probably angry with her. She swallowed and reached over to bring the screen to life, and when she saw “17 Missed Calls and 6 Voicemails” materialize in front of her, she threw the device down again with a groan.

She pulled into the parking lot of the McDonald’s down the street from Luke’s office—which she’d had to google in order to find, considering she’d missed his entire stint in law school and subsequent job search—and began to flick through everything she’d missed on her phone.

She’d gotten Lenore’s text from her new number as well as several texts from Alex. Most of the calls, as she’d suspected, were also from him. Three were from her parents’ home number, and one was from her sister.

Rose closed her eyes and laid her head against the steering wheel. What was she going to tell her family? There wasn’t a way to phrase “I left Alex and spent the night with Luke” that wasn’t going to make her sound like a terrible person. She knew she should call Alex, but she needed a few more minutes.

As soon as I talk to him, she told herself, it’s all going to shatter. I’ve let myself be happy again for the first time in… I don’t know how long, honestly. It’s been so long since things felt right. With Alex, I thought things were fine for a while, but that’s not the life I want. For the first time in years, I feel like I’m going down the right path. I’m not ready to hear him tell me to turn around.

Instead, she dialed her sister. She waited while the phone rang twice, and then Morgan’s familiar alto greeted her.

“What the hell are you doing?”

Rose let out an indignant breath. “Hi, Morgan. How’ve you been?”

“We’ll catch up on all that crap later. Right now, I want to know why Alex called me in the middle of the night, freaking out. Did you really leave?”

Rose leaned her head back against the seat and stared at the at the car’s gray roof. “Yes,” she said quietly.

“Why? What happened? If he hurt you, I swear I’ll—”

“No, no, he would never do anything like that.”

“Then what? Did you have a fight?”