Page 86 of Damaged Kingdom

“There’s been no time.”

“It’s been all about survival,” I agreed. “That’s why I think we should make time.”

Nate, who had taken his seat in one of the chairs across the room, leaned forward, elbows on his knees. “What exactly are we thinking?”

“How do you feel about a special after party?”

When they grinned too, I knew I had the right idea.

Tonight was the start of something new for all of us.

The wedding went off without a hitch. Aislynn’s dress was perfect, not just for her, but for the mansion venue Mari secured as a last-minute gift to the couple. Even Cameron had trouble taking his eyes off Ash as she walked up the aisle to their future.

I wasn’t sure if it was just me, but it looked like he watched her like she was his everything. Did he love her? I hoped so. Or at least, I hoped for his sake that they found even an inkling of the kind of love Mari and I had. One that would transcend lifetimes, even if it was built in friendship.

As the two said their vows pledging themselves to the other forever, I kept one eye on Mari and not only because we were surrounded by allies and potential enemies. Despite how quickly we’d pushed the wedding, everyone important had shown up. Public figures, police chiefs, judges, and lawyers all sat in awe of the couple of the day. Clients and the other leaders of the city stayed silent as they watched history being made. All watched, not just the alliance between the two families, but the Marcosa queen herself.

She had to be perfect, and she was. She didn’t show an ounce of uncertainty, not a single tear—though she dabbed her eye like there was.

But I knew her better than almost anyone.

Longing filled her eyes as she watched Aislynn and Cameron slip rings on each other’s fingers. She wanted something like that. Not an arranged marriage, but the commitment between two people. The echo of her needs so soon after I’d come to terms with my own made my heart race.

One day, I’ll give you the world, reina.

When the wedding was over and sealed with a kiss, Mari stood to congratulate them both at the altar, and I took that moment to lean over toward Dominic and Nate, whispering the truest thing I’d ever said. “I’m going to marry that woman.”

Nate laughed under his breath, while Dominic narrowed his eyes in irritation. Though, I wasn’t sure if he was irritated at me or himself. We both knew he could have had her as his wife if he’d made different choices.

For now, there was no world in which Mari accepted a proposal from him anytime soon. I had a bet with Cameron that it would be at least a year before she even considered discussing it with him. The other one, however… I was pretty sure Mari would throw the rule book out for Nate.

He was her Achilles’ heel.

“You don’t have a problem with that?” I turned to Nate, finding his eyes glued to Mari’s ass. To be fair, she was in a jumpsuit that molded to it perfectly, so I couldn’t fault him for looking, but we were in public. I slipped my hand behind him, casually smacking him upside the head. He started but turned to me with an unrepentant grin.

“We aren’t there yet,” he said simply, though he didn’t sound sure. “I’m fine as boyfriend for now.”

“Boy toy,” Dominic corrected.

“Nah, we’re past that. I’m aiming higher.” We didn’t say anything else, not only because Mari came back, guiding us out of the room just after the happy couple.

As she shook hands in the receiving line, I stayed right behind her. I watched everyone who passed, eyeing them as if I could see beneath their clothes to any weapons they could be holding. All the while waiting for a lull to lean in and whisper in her ear.

Finally, I got it.

“We’re going to have this one day,” I told her. “The party, the celebration, the love. Maybe it’ll just be us. Maybe it’ll be the other two idiots too. But we’re going to have this. I promise you.”

Mari said nothing, but the corner of her mouth tipped up in something close to a smile, though it was gone before it could really manifest. I wasn’t worried, however.

I had no clue what our future held, but I did know that I’d be at Mari’s side, no matter what. Where I belonged. Where I’d always belonged.

Chapter Twenty-Three


“You can’t glare at him all night,” I warned, sitting down beside the irritated groom. The reception had been going for two hours, and he’d been glaring at his father the entire time.

“He’s a shady fuck,” Cameron spat, downing his glass of whiskey and slamming it down next to three others. Discreetly, I glanced at Greyson, who counted the glasses with a wince.