Page 70 of Damaged Kingdom

“Hear, here!” Shara downed her glass.

“Serves them right,” Aislynn said with a pissed-off frown. “Cameron walked in when I was getting dressed earlier, and he told me I looked easy.”

Christ. What a fucking moron. “He really has no idea what he’s doing, does he?”

Ash snorted. “Does any man?”

“Idiots, the lot of them.” Shara raised her glass. “They should thank god we like dick.”

We all drank to that.

Wicked looked the same as it always did, except for one noticeable difference.

It was empty.

“What the hell?” I turned in a circle, trying and failing to come up with an excuse. “Where is everyone?”

“I closed the club for us,” Shara said with a grin. “That way, we can have all the fun we want, and the menfolk aren’t losing their shit about their precious ladies being in danger.”

“Or getting hit on every five seconds,” Tennessee muttered.

“Last thing we need is a pile of bodies at a party,” Moore agreed.

Knowing my men absolutely would have made it happen, I could applaud Shara’s problem-solving skills, but as the owner, my mind was focused on dollar signs.

“Relax, the boys chipped in to pay the private-party fee.”

Oh. That made more sense, though I wondered how Nate had handled it. It was tens of thousands to shut down our club for a single night. Grimacing, I decided against asking him. It was none of my business, though I did need to get him working again, for his own sake. The man obviously needed a project to keep him busy.

Thinking of him in his bed earlier in the week, body curled around me like he couldn’t stand to let me go, warmth flowed through me. We hadn’t talked, though I was dying to. I wanted to know everything there was to know about Nate Black.

Who he’d been, what he’d done, the future he wanted.

He’ll tell you when he’s ready, I told myself. I just had to have faith. For now, I’d work with him to find a position in the family—but not in the family—that would pay him well without relying on his former career. I had enough interrogators; I wasn’t interested in re-traumatizing another one.

“Let’s get some drinks before the show begins,” Shara suggested.

Aislynn and I glanced at each other as Shara ordered a round of drinks from the bartender and shepherded us to a table with a perfect view of the go-go cages. They were on the floor for once, and a lick of something close to anticipation coiled in my stomach. “Show?”

“I thought we deserved some fun, so I may have hired a bit of extra entertainment.” Her grin turned positively feral when the lights flickered, and three masked dancers I knew we didn’t employ slipped into the cages.

It was muscles for miles, and I wasn’t complaining a bit.

“Are those strippers?” Aislynn asked, laughing when all three started to undress to the beat.

“Oh god. I knew it. Cameron’s going to lose his shit.”

“Good,” Shara said with a sharp grin. “Had he asked me not to hire them, I would’ve respected his wishes, as long as they were yours too. Instead, he commanded me like I was his dog. I am not his property, and neither are you. It’s time he was reminded of that.”

“You’re a holy terror.” Ash’s smile was just as deadly, and I realized these two were exactly the type of women I’d have asked for if I could’ve handpicked my sisters. Beautiful and deadly, like Rafael had said.

The reminder that my uncle was playing opossum in my city ran over my skin, as did my nerves about meeting the Wolf, but I ignored it. Ash’s party wasn’t the time to borrow worries from the future. Besides, they hadn’t reached out to me yet, so no news was good news.

Though I really needed that information on Cash.

I sat back, nursing my drink, knowing I wouldn’t get sloppy. Just because we were having a fun night out didn’t mean that Cash wasn’t planning something, and I was not willing to give him an easy target. Even as I laughed and joked along with the others, my eyes drifted to every entrance and exit, diving into the shadows like I could ferret out danger if I looked hard enough.

Maybe that was why it took me so long to realize one of the cage dancers looked familiar.