Page 59 of Damaged Kingdom

Chapter Seventeen


Like Gilded, the Marcosa mansion had a basement suite packed with everything we could ever want for an interrogation. We even had a deprivation chamber in the back of the house specifically for the people who were tough to break.

So far, it looked like that wouldn’t be needed. The man who hit Ash was strapped to a chair, arms and legs immobile and mouth gagged shut. Cameron paced like a feral lion next to him, eyes blazing with rage.

He wanted blood. He demanded penance, but he had to wait, and it clawed at his skin.

Just a little longer.

Nate was at my back, and Dominic took up a position in a nearby corner. Tennessee and Greyson were busy, but Moore was close too, though he kept his eye on Nate. He’d done well defending himself, but that was different from outright torture. We were all wondering how he’d do or if he could handle being in this world.

If not, I’d let him go, but I was honest enough to admit I didn’t want to. Nate had snuck under my defenses the first day we met, and I didn’t want to pull him out. Not when it felt like he’d been made to stand at my side.

So far, all he’d done was study the driver with a healthy dose of concern and skepticism, and I found myself watching him more and more, waiting for his reaction.

Moore cleared his throat, and I looked away, ignoring his teasing grin. After our talk, he looked lighter. Not perfect by any means, but he seemed to be healing or making progress to. I understood, though. Nothing would ever cure the loss of Rey or my brother before, but if the only thing we could do was heal, I’d be glad for that too.

Aislynn sat at my side, poised and regal as ever, despite wearing the comfiest pair of clothes I’d ever seen her in. No doubt the hoodie and sweats were courtesy of Cameron, considering I was certain they were his. The glare on Ash’s face when he’d helped her sit had me keeping that thought to myself, though. On her other side, Shara munched on a bag of popcorn like we were readying to watch a heavyweight title match.

Is that sanitary?

She threw another handful into her mouth and grinned at me when I frowned. “What? I used to love when Antoni had interrogations. It’s like watching a movie in real life.”

It was a reminder that as kind and cute as she was, there was a reason Shara had almost been queen. She was just as ruthless and bloodthirsty as the rest of us, and she had no qualms about either.

Ash straightened in her chair, Cameron’s head whipping around when she adjusted slightly, like he was prepared to rescue her from any hint of discomfort.

Of course, she glared at him.

“Things seem to be going well with the two of you,” I drawled. Nate and Moore snickered.

“Oh, shut it,” she snapped, then winced when Cameron shook his head slightly. “Sorry, forgot where I was.”

Thankfully, the only people in the room were men I mostly trusted, so I didn’t have to correct her. I wasn’t sure my cousin would’ve handled that well so soon after her accident.

Aislynn slouched until she leaned a lot of her weight on me, but I didn’t mind. Especially when she let out the most contented sigh I’d ever heard. “We’ve been home for less than twelve hours, and he has been a mother hen the whole time. If I thought I was losing my shit before, I’m definitely losing it now.”

Shara smothered her laughter with another mouthful of popcorn. “At least you know he’ll never let things slide. I mean, look at him. This is not a man who is ambivalent toward his wife.”

“Future wife,” Ash corrected absently. “And this isn’t about me. I may be his wife, but it’s the his part that he is focused on.”

That was partially true, but the dismay she was trying to hide urged me to clarify. “It’s not a property thing. It’s more of a protective instinct. I’m not sure if he was like this before Rey died, but my cousin just can’t handle someone hurting his people.”

“I know. I know, and I’m grateful. The last thing I want to do is be left to fend for myself, but it’s still a lot. Especially when he goes overboard for a paper cut.”

“What, not a fan of getting your boo-boos kissed?” Shara teased.

“No one’s ever done it for me before,” Aislynn said quietly.

The reminder that Ash’s life as an O’Bannon was borderline negligent unless she was needed as an asset or tool for the empire hit hard. The Marcosas weren’t perfect, but we were a family that went to bat for the people we loved. Every. Damn. Time. Ash needed to know that someone out there would kill and die for her. It was the least she deserved.

Cameron stalked over, agitation bleeding into every step. “How much longer?”

“We’re just waiting on Greyson.”

As if we conjured him, Grey strolled in. I tried not to ogle him, but he looked so damn good. As usual, we matched—this time, his shirt was coordinated with mine—and I realized he probably did it on purpose.