Page 5 of Damaged Kingdom

“I don’t know!” Sabine sobbed, though it was hard to hear with how tight Dominic held her. As if he realized it, he loosened his grip, and Sabine sighed in relief. “She handed me her keys and told me to run, so I did. I went back for you two, but you were already gone, and I didn’t want to stick around so Cash could kill me. As soon as he cleared out, I came here. I don’t know anything else.”

He didn’t like her answer, and I could see the madness festering. Ironically, that was the dark side of Dominic that matched Mari, like bookends made of the same wood. That man, once he found some control, would be the perfect warrior to protect her. He could have her and keep her safe too. He just needed to open his eyes and realize that black and white was an illusion. We were all shades of gray.

But until he realized that, Dominic wasn’t like Mari. If he killed Sabine, it would take a piece of him that he’d never get back. The man Mari loved would be gone. I couldn’t let that happen.

“Let her go, Dominic. Don’t become a monster when it won’t help anything.”

For a minute, I didn’t think it would work. Then the words penetrated the red haze of Dominic’s mind, and he stumbled away from Sabine so fast, he nearly tripped over his own feet. “I didn’t?—”

No one said anything, and I could see the shame settling on his shoulders. Grey hobbled over, ignoring everyone but Dominic as he clapped a hand on the other man’s shoulder. “It’ll be okay.”

Dominic nodded, eyes stuck to the window across the room and as far away from Sabine as he could get. For her part, she didn’t look shaken; she looked…resigned. Like his actions were her penance.

Only when Dominic was settled did Greyson dig into his wallet and pull out a business card. “Call this number and ask for John. Tell him Mari sent you for Brittany. He’ll get you to your sister, and you can get out of the city.”

She reached for the card, only to struggle when Greyson refused to give it up. He yanked her closer, letting his frame dwarf her. “I think it’s time you left the West Coast.”

Sabine’s eyes filled, but she nodded. Message received. “Thank you.”

Greyson dropped his hand, letting her take the card and her personal space back. “You can show your gratitude by never coming back.”

We all watched as she sprinted out of the house, nearly slipping on the tile in her haste. The door shut behind her, and I worried it shut behind our only lead too.

“Where does that leave us now? We have no way to track Mari,” I reminded Grey.

“Yes, we do.”

He hobbled to the office, with Dominic and me following close behind. A quick fingerprint scan and a passcode that had more numbers than I’d ever seen, and we were in. The lights flicked on, nearly blinding in their brightness, and all of us squinted.

“Get one of the tablets from the far table,” Grey told Dominic before turning to me. “You, sit.”

Right. Despite the desperate urge to find Mari, I wasn’t one of her men, and I wasn’t one of the family. That they let me into the inner sanctum was a show of trust I hadn’t earned yet. But I would. I’d make sure of it.

I just had to hope my secrets wouldn’t destroy us when I did.

After getting what Greyson needed, Dominic leaned against the table next to me, arms crossed and brow furrowed. I wanted to check on him, but we didn’t have that type of relationship. I didn’t know him, and I doubted he’d appreciate me seeing underneath the jovial playboy mask he wore so easily. So I kept my mouth shut as we watched Greyson plug in the tablet and pull up a map program that looked just like the GPS on my phone.

“The tracker,” Dominic swore, lifting fully to his feet. I followed, eager to get closer and see what was happening. “I completely forgot about it.”

“That’s the point. She didn’t want us to use it unless we had to,” Grey said as he typed. “It’s offline now, so I’m checking her last known location. If she’s in a basement or something like that, the signal may not register.”

A few more clicks and the sight of a blinking black dot greeted us. “What does that mean?” I asked.

“It means it’s been offline for thirty minutes.” Grey checked the map and his watch and frowned.

“How long have you been out of contact with her?”

“At least an hour. Maybe more,” Dominic admitted. “I sent her off with Sabine and went back in for Greyson. The bastards started a fire around us, and this numbskull refused to leave without Mari’s fucking painting. By the time we got out, the car was gone, so we thought Mari had come home. I didn’t even think about the tracker.”

“It’s not a numbskull move if we can find Mari and avoid the fallout of a Kincaid meltdown. Trust me, they aren’t pretty. Besides, you wouldn’t have had access to the tracker to look,” Greyson told him. “I’ll fix that for you as soon as we get her back, though.”

“Me too.” Having her location was dangerous, but I was through wondering if she was coming home alive. I wanted eyes on her at all times.

Greyson snorted and ignored my request, not that I expected him to grant it. It was up to Mari. I’d just have to convince her it was necessary.

Suddenly, the dot flashed red and disappeared from the screen.

“What the hell?” Greyson sat up with a wince, while Dominic and I leaned in over each shoulder. “Get back, you fucking gargoyles.”