Page 49 of Damaged Kingdom

She’d refused to remove her other clothes until Cameron had made it very clear that if she didn’t change of her own volition, he would make sure she had no other choice. Every time she rubbed the fabric of the gown between her fingers, I could see her disgust growing. I made a mental note not to tell Greyson or he’d end up buying the most expensive hospital gowns he could manage for the ward, and that was the last thing we needed.

Dr. Grant smiled warmly at her. “You can, but I suggest bed rest for a day or so and no driving for a week.”

“That won’t be a problem,” Cameron said with a dirty glare her way. “My wife is taking the week off.”

“Like fuck I am.”

“Here we go again,” Dominic murmured.

“Aislynn,” Cameron warned.

“I don’t have time to take off! I have a whole wedding to plan.”


“I have! There are no more bodies to delegate to, and this has to be perfect. The family needs this, especially now.” Ash turned to me, a little desperate and a lot fierce. “I want to throw it in Cash’s face that he failed. He came after me, and I’m still alive. We can’t stop now.”

It didn’t feel right disagreeing with her, considering that was the whole point of moving up the wedding, but I didn’t want to put her in any more danger.

While my cousin and I had been pulling Ash from the wreckage, Dominic had checked over our newest friend and found a phone. None of the others had one. We hoped it was sloppy work, and it was. He’d used GPS to get to Aislynn’s dress shop and followed us from there. There was no doubt Cash had come for her directly.

We finally had a starting point because none of the little birdies in the city had any clue where he was hiding, but at what cost? How much more would the war cost us? I was hesitant to find out.

“We won’t,” I said. “We’ve got an idea of where to go first, but you have to rest.”

Tears shimmered in Aislynn’s eyes, more frustration than sadness. “I can’t take a full week off, even with the wedding planners. It won’t work.”

“Three days, then.” I shot a look at Cameron, who looked ready to unleash hell on me, and he shut his trap. “And I’ll hire an additional execution team for the wedding planners to make sure things get done. Will that help?”

The happy couple glared at each other for long enough that I thought they were trying to learn pyrokinesis. Finally, Ash nodded, and the beastly edge of my cousin’s temper dulled. Until he leveled a finger her way. “As long as Ash is safe, I’m happy. But you leave the house without a guard again, and I’ll spank your ass so hard you won’t sit for a month.”

Ash looked like she was ready to bite the appendage clean off. “When do I get to punish you for breaking the rules?”

“I’m already being punished,” he muttered as Dr. Grant left my side to go back to theirs. After running through all the signs of a possible concussion with the pair, just in case, she dropped off a set of scrubs and shooed us out the door.

Cameron leaned against the wall, folding his arms defiantly. “Get dressed, princess.”

In practiced moves, Dominic and I made for the door, trying to get out before the coming storm. Aislynn was generally even-keeled, but she was hurting, and Cameron was stomping over boundaries he didn’t understand.

If I thought she’d looked mad before, she was about to go nuclear. When Ash spoke, it was with the cool, crisp edge of frosted glass. Cold enough to burn and sharp enough to kill. “I am entitled to my privacy, Cameron. Get. Out.”

With all the grace of a boar, Cameron dug his heels in, and his voice echoed through the doorway. “Like fuck am I leaving you?—”

“If you don’t get the fuck out, I’m going to burn all of your clothes in the middle of our living room. I’ll take a bat to every car you own and shred everything else. I may be quiet, but I’m not passive or meek. Don’t test me. Now, out.”

I looked back in time to see Ash point a single angry finger toward the hallway. Frustrated grumbling and pissed-off stomps came soon after.

The door was barely closed before my cousin turned to me, seething. “He’s dead for this.”

Of course he was. We all knew that, so I didn’t even bother answering.

Dominic, of course, couldn’t leave it at that. “Not that I disagree, but what part of this has you so worked up?”

With his heel kicked against the wall and his eyes sweeping my cousin’s frame, Dominic poked the bear like a fucking idiot. Still, it was nice to see the antagonistic side of him back again. He’d been too morose.

Cameron turned blazing eyes on Dominic. “He attacked my wife, and an attack on her is an attack on the family. We can’t let this stand.” He turned to me, and his eyes were dark with vengeance. “I want the little shit who hit her.”

Again, I knew this. “Of course. Tomorrow. Tonight, you have other duties.”