Page 37 of Damaged Kingdom

Not as much practice learning to keep his mouth shut. Perfect.

“We’ll let you know if we need anything else. In the meantime, I suggest you clean house.” I hung up the phone and looked back at Tennessee. “I want Jacob picked up immediately. Call Warner to do it. Make it loud, public, and in front of Derek.”

“You got it.” He turned away, already reaching for his phone.

I wanted out of the fucking building before I exploded, but I had more to do. We couldn’t leave it like this, without any real answers.

Jesus Christ. “From now on, you’ll work on my account solo. If you need extra help, Greyson, Tennessee, and I will vet them individually. I need to know how long he’s been doing this. I don’t care how far you need to go. We’ll give you access to all of the rosters that we have in exchange for having a guard of my choosing present at all times. We’ll also be leaving a guard on you twenty-four seven. I don’t think I need to stress this, but I’m going to. This is urgent and very dangerous. You fuck up and leak this, you’re dead—and so are we. Get it done, and keep it locked down. Understood?”

Ronnie nodded immediately. No hesitation. “Understood. I’ll get to the bottom of it.”

I had no doubt she would. It was dangerous giving anyone that much information, but I trusted Ronnie as much as I could. With the orders given, I brushed the men’s hands off me and stood. It felt like I was seconds away from melting my skin off, I was so pissed. Grey stood with me, but Dominic didn’t.

“What about the clients?” Dominic said. I turned back, confused. “The reason we caught this is because your client had an overage, right? Well, what about the rest of them?”

“We audited them too,” Ronnie said. “You have a couple that we think are working with Cash, but they’re all relatively new. They’re small overages, ones that I can easily see us overlooking, but the biggest one is still René Porter.”

Of fucking course it was. “Looks like we need to have a chat with him, then. If there’s anything else, give us a call. In the meantime, get to work. I want to know when he got into our systems and how.”

I didn’t wait for an answer, storming out of the office and then the building itself.

No one spoke until we got home. I was too angry, and Greyson and Dominic knew better than to poke me. Even Geneva and Tennessee were silent. By the time we got out of the car, I thought I was going to explode. Tennessee split off from our group, heading toward the other end of the garage for his truck.

“Where the hell are you going?”

“Going to meet Warner and pick up your boy. Am I bringing him here or somewhere else?”

I considered taking Jacob to Gilded, but I didn’t want to draw attention there right now if I didn’t have to. Plus, I was avoiding the building in hopes Cash would forget about it. Unlikely, but I was still going to try.

“Here,” I said. “I want him to be easily accessible when I’m ready to talk.”

“We giving him the silent treatment?” Grey asked.

“Yeah, two days at least. I want to see what his little buddy does before we even attempt to do anything else.”

“You got it. I’ll be back in a jiff.” Tennessee gave a little salute, and then he was gone.

The moment I stomped inside, Joaquin took one look at me from across the room and disappeared down the hall, his little sycophants following suit. I was in a mood, and everyone knew it was best to avoid me. At least until I wasn’t ready to lop off heads for sport.

You’re not Mario. Get changed, go to the gym, work this shit out of your system, then be the leader they need.

I could do that.

After a quick change, I headed down to my private gym where I could be alone with my thoughts. The only people with access were Dominic, Greyson, and me. Well, Nate now too, but he and Moore were out on the property for the rest of the day.

Good thing, too.

I was so angry, I was practically steaming, and that meant I was fucking useless as a leader. Leading on emotional responses was how people got killed and empires toppled. That would not do.

I went through my stretches and warm-ups with gritted teeth, hating every second I had to live with the energy roiling inside me, but I couldn’t afford to exacerbate any of my physical issues that were finally healing from the warehouse. When I was done, I taped my hands up and immediately went for the heavy bag.

Punch, kick. Punch, kick. Every time, I pictured Cash’s smug face as he stabbed me in the stomach. As he walked away from me while he took that fucking phone call. As he told me he killed my brother.

And every time I hit the bag, I did it with the intent to maim. Kill. Defeat.

By the time I felt the air shift in the room announcing someone’s arrival, I had sweated through my clothes and my chest ached from breathing hard.

“You’re going to hurt yourself.”