Page 25 of Damaged Kingdom

“I’m not trying to cage you, Aislynn. I’m trying to keep you safe. You walking around the city for a fucking flower isn’t an option.”

“It’s not just a flower,” she growled. “This is art, you asshole.”

“I don’t care. You aren’t going, so get one of your minions to do it. Call up a flying monkey or five to get it done, because let me be clear. If I find out you’ve gone against my instructions, I’ll spank your ass so hard you won’t sit for a month.”

“If you touch me, I’ll rip your dick off in your sleep.”

“At least it’ll get some action.”

More throwing, more cursing that we couldn’t quite hear.

“I may be an asshole, but you’re stuck with me. Get used to it, babe.”

“I’m not your fucking babe,” Ash seethed, another dull thump hitting the wall.

“You going to open that, or are you hoping one of them kills the other?”

“My money’s on Ash.”


I shared an amused glance with Greyson before knocking on the door. It swung open so hard it hit the wall, and both of them yelled. “What?!”

I stepped inside with raised eyebrows, and instantly, the tension level dissipated. Cameron cleared his throat. “My apologies, cousin. We were discussing something.”

“Very passionately,” I said. Aislynn’s cheeks turned pink and I laughed. “It’s fine, considering I’m going to put you in an even shittier mood.”

Embarrassment very quickly turned to fear, and Ash paled. Cameron grabbed her immediately, seating her in a chair and softly rubbing her shoulder. A comforting gesture I didn’t know my cousin had in him. “Don’t freak out before she tells you what’s happening.”

“Fuck off, Cameron.” Ash flung his hand off her. He rolled his eyes, looking at us for mercy, but there was no mercy to be had. His relationship with his wife was none of our business.

“There’s been a development,” I said, not wanting to drag things out. “We’re moving the wedding up.”

Despite not actually wanting to be in an arranged marriage, I knew Aislynn was looking forward to the wedding she was planning. The fact that I was cutting her timetable by more than half was going to sting.

“How soon?”

“Two weeks.” Ash’s knuckles whitened as she clenched her fists on her legs. Cameron swore softly under his breath. “I’m sorry, but there’s no other way. We need to show the city that not only are we a united front, but we’re healthy and safe. This is the easiest way to do it. A celebration like a wedding sends a message.”

“And my marriage was always going to be a message.” I heard the sadness in Aislynn’s voice and I wished I could change it, but we were who we were. Maybe I was kidding to think I ever could have gotten her out of the city in the first place. A pipe dream for people who couldn’t afford them.

“For what it’s worth, I’m sorry. I know this isn’t what you wanted.”

Aislynn waved me off immediately. “It is what it is. There’s nothing we can change, and I agreed. So, two weeks.”

“Can you do it in that time?” She frowned, and I could practically see her ticking through her mental to-do list, crossing off some tasks because they just took too much time. “I’ll give you whatever staff that you need to complete things. Whatever overtime you need paid, I’ll pay for all of it. Just tell me where to sign.”

A ghost of a smile tipped Ash’s face, and just the sight of it sent relief tumbling through me. If she could smile at me, she didn’t hate me, and if she didn’t hate me, maybe this whole clusterfuck was still salvageable.

“Don’t tempt me with a blank check, or I’ll use it,” she teased.

“Please do.”

“If I simplify a couple of things, I should be fine,” she said. “The dress is going to be the hardest thing, but since my team’s already working on it, it shouldn’t be too bad. I might have to hire a few seamstresses, and you’ll definitely have to double Gretchen’s wages.” Ash grimaced, knowing the Irish battle-ax was going to absolutely gouge me, but for her and for Cameron and for the city, I would pay anything.

“Thank you for this.”

“No problem. You’re helping me too, remember? Speaking of, have you told my father yet?” Aislynn asked. Her nerves about O’Bannon were obvious, and I didn’t like it. He’d never treated her with love or kindness, which was common for daughters, but I hated it regardless.