Page 17 of Damaged Kingdom

Pulling back, I looked him in the eye. I needed him to hear me. “Don’t lie to me, Nate. I can handle almost anything as long as you talk to me, but if you lie, all bets are off. Deal?”

Something passed across his face, there and gone before I could figure out what it was. “Deal.”

A cough down the hall reminded me I had places to be, but I couldn’t let it go yet. Dominic’s inability to accept who I was had caused more damage than expected. Not to mention, Nate had already changed his mind about me. What if he did it again? “I’m not going to change just because you’re with me. I’m always going to be the Marcosa leader. I’m always going to rule. If that’s a problem?—”

“It’s not.” Nate’s face was serious when he slid a hand into my hair and forced my eyes to his. “I don’t want you to change. You’re exactly who you need to be, angel.”

“Okay. Come with me.”

He jerked back, careful not to pull me with him. “Really?”

“Really. We need to talk later, but consider yourself on temporary probation. Do well, and I’ll make you a full member.” He already knew the consequences of doing poorly, so I didn’t remind him.

The softness of his face morphed into indifference as he moved back to give me space. He looked serious and formidable. It was hot.

Striding down the hall firmly in pretend my ribs aren’t screaming at me mode, I made it to the dining room just in time to hear Joaquin pissing and moaning about the wait.

“If she’s not even going to show up on time, why should we?”

“Because that’s your job,” I snapped. All eyes jerked to me, but I ignored them as I walked myself to the head of the table with the rest of my men following behind. Moore and Tennessee took their places by the door, while Greyson and Dominic took theirs at the chairs closest to me.

“What’s he doing here?” Joaquin jerked his head at Nate, who had followed me to the front of the room.

“He’s with me. Let’s sit.” Daring my uncle to speak, I directed Nate next to Greyson, but he shook his head and took a position at my shoulder. Nate held the space like a bodyguard, while Grey held it like a partner. The difference was obvious, and I appreciated it more than I could say.

Sitting as carefully as I could, I rested my hands on the table. “Thanks for being here. Let’s get started with the warehouse. How did we do?”

“Kincaid’s painting was rescued without damage,” Grey said. I barely held in the breath of relief, not willing to show my uncles just how nervous I had been about the painting. A Kincaid meltdown was the last thing I needed. “I’ll call tomorrow to arrange a pickup.”

“I’ll do it myself.” I needed to put the damn thing in his hands myself, or I’d worry about something going wrong the whole time. The logistics of it would be a bitch, but that was a problem for later.

“What about casualties? I heard there was a fire.”

Joaquin sat up straight. “Four dead, three more injured. Not including yourself.” I waved him off, but his eyes stuck to my gloves with narrowed suspicion.

“My injuries aren’t important. Let’s make sure their families are compensated. We take care of our own.”

Everyone nodded at that. “Did anyone hear from O’Bannon?”

Dominic’s hands clenched on the table before he smoothed them out. “He called an hour after everything and said he got caught up with family stuff and didn’t have his phone.”

I didn’t believe it. Sean was a territory leader, just like I was. We didn’t go anywhere without our phones, and if we didn’t have them, one of our closest people did. Besides, I knew Dominic. He’d have called everyone he had a contact for when he didn’t get Sean directly.

The Irishman had chosen not to come, and I wanted to know why. If his version of a temper tantrum cost my men their lives, he owed me more than a pound of flesh.

Joaquin cleared his throat as if he was trying to be delicate. “There are rumors on the street that Cash gutted you. That you’re dead.”

Fuck. I knew he’d spread the word, but I didn’t realize he’d do it so soon. Instead of reacting, I leaned back in my chair and smiled. “Do I look dead to you?”

Joaquin’s eyes went back to my hands, and his voice held a world of skepticism. “Not at all.”

“Curb the rumors before they get us into more trouble. There’s enough going on right now.”

“We’ll put the word out on the street,” Gabriele said, already typing into his phone. His crew typically did the night shift in the bars and clubs, so they were already out and about.

“Cash is still coming for us, so pay attention and don’t go out alone. Pairs or more at all times. I don’t want any more casualties right now. Anything else?” When everyone shook their heads, I dismissed the meeting. We had the painting and the families we needed to visit and take care of. There was always more to do, but for tonight, it was enough.

With a nod to the door, my capos filed out. Joaquin gave me another long look before he went, too. As soon as they were gone, Moore locked us in before checking the room for bugs again.