Page 13 of Damaged Kingdom

I was anything but an angel, but for Nate, I thought it might be nice to try. Especially when his ass looked that good in jeans.

Dominic shuffled on his feet as the door swung shut, leaving us all in silence. “I’m going to head to the house now that you’re awake. We’ve got a ton of shit to deal with.”

I knew he wanted an invitation to join us, but I couldn’t give it to him. While I was glad he was okay, I didn’t want him with me anymore. “Keep us posted.”

The hurt on his face was swept away on a tide of determination that made me nervous. “I’ll take care of it. You just heal.”

Right, because that’s what kingpins did when they got a boo-boo. Heal up in peace.

Dominic and Grey had a long, silent conversation that I didn’t even try to decode. Frankly, I was too fucking tired. Especially when Dominic left and the nurse who took his place gave us both meds to take the edge off.

With the world getting fuzzy around the edges, Greyson pulled me tighter against him and buried his nose in my hair. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

I didn’t know how to say it back, to tell him how terrified I’d been, so I didn’t. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Those four words from the man I’d loved my whole life said everything.

I’d kill for you.

I’d die for you.

I’ll protect you.

We’ll make it.

“I know.” I rested my head on his chest and let a huge yawn take me. We’d rest and recover, but we wouldn’t be idle.

Cash started this war, and we needed to finish it.

Chapter Five


Dr. Grant was not an easy person to argue with. It took over an hour and promised monitoring at home by Doc to get her to sign my discharge papers. Though she was clear it was under extreme caution and against her wishes. I didn’t care. I just wanted my own bed.

When we pulled into the garage, Dominic opened my door. His fingers twitched to help as I climbed out of the SUV, but he kept himself in check. “I have all the capos waiting in the dining room.”

“Good. I need a shower first.” I couldn’t go into meeting Joaquin and the others with hospital all over me. They’d scent it like blood in the water.

The men tried—and failed—not to crowd me as we moved through the house. Dominic and Greyson were at my sides, and I felt Nate’s watchful eye on my back with every step. Moore led the group, and Tennessee was the tail. Normally, it would’ve made me feel smothered, but all I felt was a possessive sort of cherished.

We were nearly to the stairs when the breathless yell echoed around us.


Dominic slipped in front of me just as I saw the blur of pink braids, taking the brunt of the hug attack.

“What the fuck?” Shara snapped, pushing him away. They had a considerable height difference, but she stepped up like she was ready to unleash hell. All she cared about was that he was in her way. The power of a 5’2” goddess. “Move.”


“Dominic,” I warned softly.

“I’m not going to let her bowl you over like that.” He didn’t even look at me when he snapped at her. “She’s hurt.”

Ah, fuck.

Greyson and I shared a wince as wonderful, formidable Shara panicked. We never told Shara we were injured. It wasn’t that we treated her with kid gloves, but the trauma of Antoni’s death still haunted her. Knowing that her people were hurt sent her right off the deep end. Beyond that, I didn’t want the rest of the house hearing him. The Marcosa mansion had ears, and not all of them were one hundred percent mine.