Page 11 of Damaged Kingdom

“Cassius Beckstrom, yes.”

Dominic’s finger twitched near the trigger, and I knew we needed to speed this along. Normally, I would’ve been more tactful, but I was beat. My head wavered, and my stomach ached where Cash had stabbed me; my fingertips burned, and I wanted to sleep for a month. We didn’t have time for cryptic answers. “Explain to me why an uncle I’ve never met was skulking around my city while we’re on the brink of war.”

“Because you needed me.” As if it was that simple. As if I should’ve guessed that on my own.

“And it had nothing to do with your father?” Dominic asked, still pointing the gun. “The Wolf didn’t tell you to come here and ingratiate yourself to Mari for some half-baked alliance or easier access to her?”

Rafael looked at me like I’d taken Dominic back off his leash, but I was curious too. I could see the tic of frustration in his jaw when he answered.

“The Wolf isn’t aware that I’m here. In fact, he’d probably kill me. He’s been explicit in his instructions to stay away. So I’d appreciate it if you could keep it to yourselves.”

Dominic finally lowered his weapon, though he didn’t put it away. Nate’s posture loosened too, though he kept his hand close to his weapon. You could never be too careful with an Osorio in the room.

With the tension much lower, Rafael settled against the doorframe.

“We’ll keep your secret in exchange for a favor at a later date.”

He grinned, and fuck, that smile was too close to Antoni’s. “You’re just like your mother, though less dangerous.”

Considering she was dead and I wasn’t, I didn’t quite believe that. Admittedly, the fact that he thought I was a mouthpiece and not an actual threat irked me more than anything. “Who says I’m not already dangerous?”

“Black widows don’t get stabbed by their lesser.”

Dominic opened his mouth to snark at Rafael, and I cut him off. “You’re right. I miscalculated Cash. I won’t make that mistake again.”

“How do you intend to do that? You don’t have the intel to get you ahead.”

“And you do.” Not a question because I could see it in Rafael’s face.

He lifted a shoulder. “I do. I’d be willing to share in exchange for a meeting.”

I spread my hands to encompass the room. “Is this not a meeting? And one I gave you a promise I’d protect, at that.”

“With my father.”

I didn’t want to meet the Wolf. I’d heard enough stories of him killing his own men for small infractions or disrespects, and I had no doubt that I wouldn’t measure up to whatever pedestal he kept my mother on.

“Thought you said the Wolf didn’t want you here?” Greyson asked.

“He doesn’t, but it’s in Mari’s best interest to get his attention. Your little problem could be obliterated in a week if he gave the okay.”

“Would he?”

“For anyone else, no. For you?” He shrugged again. “You look like Bianca. Meet him, and see if he’ll help.”

“You don’t think we can beat him alone?”

“It’s not your success that I worry about. It’s the costs that would come with it,” Rafael admitted. “You’re the last link to Bianca and Antoni. I’d hate to lose you over something as small as this.”

Spoken like the cartel. Only they’d think a territory war was small.

“I can’t guarantee anything.” My world was too out of sorts to agree to a meet with a cartel leader, family or not.

Rafael nodded, eyes glinting with mischief. “What if I made it worth your while?”

“How?” Nate asked. He’d been silent the whole time, taking everything in like it was his job. I wasn’t sure if it was the military training in him or something more ingrained in his system, but I liked it.

“Agree to a meeting at a later date, and I’ll get you all the intel we have on Cash. I can guarantee it’s more than you have.”