Page 118 of Damaged Kingdom

He’d taken Rey from me.

He’d nearly taken my men.

I wasn’t going to give him another opportunity to hurt the people I loved. It was time to hit back, and I’d just found a two-for-one special.

Quick as lightning, I pulled my gun and shot. Men like Enzo didn’t get last words or a chance to repent for their sins. They got a bullet between the eyes before I forgot them entirely.

I considered it a mercy.

“I take it you’re done, then?” Greyson drawled.

“Not even close. It’s time we hit back. We’re going to fight fire with fire.”

And thanks to Enzo, I knew exactly where to go.

Chapter Thirty


Sevenroe Hospital had been abandoned in the seventies after a gas leak nearly blew up one of the wings. The patients were immediately moved to another hospital, and Sevenroe closed. At the time, the city was focused on budget cuts, and after getting an insane quote for a new system, they shut off gas access and did the least amount of fixes they could get away with before locking the doors.

Fifty years later, the place was wrecked. The exterior was worn and faded in what few places the weeds and vines didn’t cover. Doors fell off their hinges, windows were broken or black, though I couldn’t tell if that was from paint or grime. The whole thing had the air of desperation that came from abandonment.

Since the city had evacuated the entire area in case the place ever blew, my father had considered it a good hiding spot for his men and the perfect training ground for Antoni and me. I doubted Cash knew, but by the time I was ten, I could navigate every square inch of that hospital blindfolded.

And I knew exactly how to burn it down.

“Are you sure about this?” Nate asked as he limped beside me. His breathing was rough but steady, and when he caught me watching, he smiled. “I’m fine, angel. More worried about you, anyway.”

“I’m fine,” I parroted back.

I wasn’t fine. I was fucking fed up. I was so tired of Cash and O’Bannon and the other men in the city thinking they could take and take and take.

Seattle was my fucking city.

I had been too lenient on them, too smothered with grief to do anything when the hints of unrest started to appear. Too overwhelmed to put Cash in his place before things got too bad.

This was the outcome. A man who had walked into my city and thought he could take it from me.

Yeah, fucking right.

I was done playing nice. Trying to beat Cash from the high ground was going to get us killed. It was time to sink to his level, or as close to it as I could get. I could never condone collateral damage the way that he did, but eradicating the Aces one man at a time? I could do that.

“Don’t worry, boy toy,” Dominic said, clapping a hand on Nate’s shoulder. “Mariposa is very accustomed to setting shit on fire.”

He would know.

Before we’d ever gotten together, he’d said something cruel to Antoni. His whole life had been uprooted and he was hurting, but I couldn’t let it stand.

No one mistreated my brother.

That night, we got Dominic too drunk to speak, wheeled his favorite car into the center of the driveway, and set it on fire. It was the only time I wondered if my father would actually snap and hit one of us, but he didn’t. He’d spent the rest of the night screaming about consequences, but the second we stepped out of his office, it was as if it had never happened. He bought Dominic a new car, and we never spoke of it again.

It was a memory I cherished.

I blew Dominic a kiss, and he laughed.

“How do you want to do this?” Greyson asked.