Page 112 of Damaged Kingdom

“Then I’ll hurt myself,” he said. “I’d rather be hurt than watch you be in pain.”

Sweet, irritating man. “I’m only in pain because you almost died.”

“That feels like an exaggeration,” he said, though he twisted to look at Dominic standing guard by the door. “Isn’t it?”

Dominic’s head rocked back and forth. “Yes and no.” His eyes fell to the phone still clutched in my hand. “You want me to finish that?”

“Shit.” I pulled the phone back up to Tennessee yelling down the line, and I winced. “Sorry, sorry. Nate woke up.”

There was a brief pause and then, “Is the kid okay?”

I smiled softly at the very obvious concern in Tennessee’s voice. “Yeah, I think so.”

“Good. Should we bring Cameron’s team in to do the south side?”

The reminder that my cousin had just lost some of his men sat heavy. “Give them the night off.”

Tonight, they could be blissfully unaware of what they’d lost. Tomorrow would come soon enough.

“Three teams means leaving a potential opening for Cash to get through.”

“Then he gets an opening,” I sighed. “We’ll deal with the south side tomorrow.”

“No, we won’t. We’ll take care of the south side tonight.” Nate, who’d obviously been listening, snatched the phone from my hand. I tried to grab it back, but he gave quick assurances to Tennessee and ended the call. “How soon can I get out of this joint?”

“You have a concussion. You’re not going anywhere.”

“Possible concussion and it’s a small one,” Dr. Grant corrected as she stepped into the room. “Glad to see you awake, Mr. Black.”

Nate winced, probably at the volume of our voices. Because he had a concussion. “Thanks. Now, when can I leave?”

I glowered, but Dr. Grant just laughed. “If your tests come back fine, you can go home within the hour.”

“Perfect.” Nate turned to me with a serious expression. “We have a stop to make on the way.”

Before I could climb farther onto the bed to strangle my irritating boyfriend, Dominic grabbed me around the waist. I was still debating whether I should attempt to get free when he sat and arranged me on his lap. “Don’t worry, baby. We’ll make it quick.”

“We won’t be making anything at all. We’re going home.”

I was surly as I watched every second of Dr. Grant’s assessment. She checked Nate’s reflexes, his eyes, and even got a portable ultrasound to make sure he had no internal bleeding anywhere. Nothing.

That fucker passed every test.


“Other than the possible concussion, which does seem very mild, if anything, I see nothing wrong. Pay attention to yourself, keep those burns clean, and take it easy for a few days.” Dr. Grant’s smile was just as wide as Nate’s. “You’re a very lucky man, Mr. Black.”

Nate’s eyes found mine from across the room. “Trust me, Doc. I know it.”

Dr. Grant dipped her head, trying to hide the small smile, but I saw it. She liked Nate, and I had a suspicious feeling we were growing on her too. “Stay away from screens for a few days, if possible.”

“Don’t worry. He’s going home and straight to bed.”

Dr. Grant patted my hand on the way out the door. “I’m sure you’ll take great care of him.”

The second she was gone, Nate started unhooking himself from the monitors.

“What the fuck are you doing?!” I shoved off Dominic, but he wouldn’t let me go.