Page 69 of Damaged Kingdom

“I’m close. I’m so close,” I panted, desperately reaching for the peak I knew was coming. It felt powerful, and I had no doubt it was going to be the best orgasm I’d ever had. Another long pull from his lips around my clit, and I clenched my fingers against the tabletop and—there it is. “Oh, fuck yes. I’m coming.”

There was nothing but sweet relief on my tongue. So. Fucking. Close.

“That’s too bad. It’s time for you to go.” He pulled back, shattering the orgasm before it could even begin.

No. No, no, no. I could feel the warmth of him and the orgasm floating away. He hadn’t just denied me; he’d ruined it. The best orgasm of my life, gone with nothing to show for it.

I blamed the fog of endorphins for how long it took to come up with a coherent response. “What?”

“You have to go. You’re going to be late.” Like he’d conjured them, I heard footsteps and the sound of an irate Shara.

“Mari,” she growled. “If you don’t get out here right now, I’m going to break this door down and drag you out.”

“I’ll be right out,” I promised, my voice cracking. Slumping against the table, I glared at Grey. “You’re seriously going to make me go out like this?”

“You mean wet, dripping, highly unsatisfied?” he asked as he slowly slid my panties up my thighs until I was put back together again. “Yes, I am. I think it’ll be good for you.”

I wanted to rip his face off then cry in a corner because what the fuck?! “The only thing that would be good for me is if you finished what you started.”

“Tempting.” He gripped my hair and pulled me close, sliding his tongue into my mouth so I tasted myself, but he wouldn’t let me touch him back. “But I’m going to have to pass.”

He had just gotten me all hot and bothered right before I was set to leave, and he was going to pass?

Are you fucking kidding me?

Had it been anyone else, I’d have finished myself off. Or found someone else to do it for me. I had no doubt that Nate would enjoy the challenge, but it didn’t seem right. “You know I’m going to get you back for this, right?”

Tying him up so I could make him feel my pain sounded wonderful.

Greyson grinned. “I have no doubt. But for now, just trust me. You know I wouldn’t do this without a reason.”

“Of course you would.” I grabbed my purse, making sure to slide my body against his erection on my way out. I hoped he got blue balls. “Have fun with your hand, asshole.”

I absolutely slammed the door on him and his laughter.

Shara took one look at me and shepherded me into the SUV that was acting as our limo. Bulletproof, of course. “I should have known he was going to do something when he offered to come get you.”

Ash took one look at what I assumed was my unhappy face and hid her smile behind the champagne flute. “What’s wrong? Someone not get laid?”

“No,” I snapped, instantly regretting it. It was her bachelorette party, and I was yelling at her. I blamed Greyson for that too. “Fuck, sorry.”

Because I was feeling generous, I explained the situation. As expected, my so-called best friends laughed their asses off.

“I’d be cranky too if someone started something they wouldn’t finish.” Ash smiled gently at me. “Though I would settle for being touched again. It’s been a while.”

Considering I knew that she and my cousin weren’t fucking—or at least, I was pretty sure—I could only imagine. I wasn’t willing to ask, though. Close as we were or not, my cousin’s sex life was none of my business.

But Greyson’s was, and since my thighs were sticking together under my dress, I was considering becoming celibate. Just from him, though. What was the point of having three boyfriends if I was going to be celibate from all three?

My brain caught on the word boyfriend, but I ignored it. This was not the time to consider appropriate word choices for my men.

“Where are we going?” I asked, turning back to Shara. Moore and Tennessee were in the front, laughing together since Geneva had the night off.

“Where else would we go? Wicked, of course. Although I will admit that none of your men were all that pleased.”

Since two of the three knew the club had once been my hunting grounds for companions, I could imagine.

“Screw them.” I downed the rest of the champagne Shara had wisely prepared for our drive. “We deserve some fun tonight, even if it involves getting hit on by men who don’t have an iota of a chance with us.”