Page 48 of Permanently Pucked

“When we have this huge, really comfortable couch?” Danielle teases, shooting me a look.

“Anywhere, anytime.” Michael kisses the top of her head, hands her the baby, and heads into the kitchen with Gracie.

Danielle just stares after him for a long moment. I’m sure thinking about after the kids are picked up.

Romeo starts fussing though, interrupting her dirty daydream.

She brings him in close, cooing and nuzzling him up against her breasts.

But he’s having none of it. He starts squawking.

"Oh, no, no. Everything‘s okay," she says to him softly.

Then from the kitchen we hear Gracie yell, "No!"

"These are special crackers, though," Michael tells Gracie.

"I want a cupcake!"

"Sweetie, we don’t have any cupcakes," Michael says, trying to reason with the child.

I haven’t been around kids much, but even I know that reasoning with a three-year-old is not going to end well.

"I’m ordering," I call out to Michael.

But I’m not sure if he can hear me because Gracie is now crying loudly.

"They’re just crackers," Michael tells her. "They’re good."


Danielle‘s eyes are wide as she looks over at me. Romeo is either sympathetic to his sister’s distress or he’s getting even more irritated with the adults who can’t give him what he wants either and he starts to outright cry.

"Oh, crap," Danielle says softly.

"Want me to try?" I ask.

I don’t want to try, nor do I have any reason to think I’ll be comforting to him at all, but I recognize that I should probably get used to holding a baby. And I hate seeing Danielle looking so worried.

She’s already getting up from the couch.

I don’t know what I have to offer. If the kid doesn’t want to be up against soft, sweet breasts, I’ve got nothing better for him. Still, I take him into my arms and cradle him against my chest. I cup the back of his head with one hand, his butt with the other.

He quiets slightly, but he’s still fussing. Danielle stands just looking at the two of us. She has a strange expression on her face.

"What are you thinking?"

"That you look really hot right now," she tells me.

"Really?" I like that.

"And how if someone had told me a year ago that I would be standing here watching Nathan Armstrong hold a baby, and that we would be married, expecting our own, and that it would turn out that you are one of the sweetest, most loving, best people I’ve ever met, I would’ve told them they were crazy." She steps closer and puts her hand against my cheek. "But you are. All of these things. You’ve made me so happy, Nathan."

"Danielle—" I have to clear my throat. "You are?—"

Suddenly Romeo makes a very strange noise and then I am covered in warm, sticky baby puke.

Danielle actually jerks back, her hand flying up to her mouth.