Page 80 of Loyalty

The light streaming in through the waterfall faded, and I watched the colors refracted onto the stone floor melt into shadows. When it was completely dark, I tugged the fur tighter around my shoulders and tried to fall asleep.

Why did Torq have to be so hot, and why did he have to lie right behind me with barely any clothes on? The second he’d stripped down to his boxer briefs, I’d regretted telling him to take off his wet clothes. The cold water had seemed to have little effect on his significant bulge, and I hated that all I could think about was how good he’d felt inside me.

That is over, I scolded myself. Done. Finished. We were never ever getting back together.

Torq rolled over, his body brushing closer to mine and sending unwanted shivers of pleasure through me. Who was I kidding? It was impossible to lie next to him and not feel the heat pulsing from his practically naked body and not want to press myself against him. It was impossible not to want to go back in time and forget all the pain that made me so afraid to roll over and face him.

I squeezed my eyes tighter in a vain attempt to block out his presence and the powerful pull he exerted over me. I might know that he was a bad idea, that he would hurt me, that he had hurt me. But my body hadn’t seemed to have gotten the message.

My heart raced and heat pooled restlessly in my core, as I squeezed my legs together to keep them from involuntarily popping open. What was wrong with me? I was a smart, successful, accomplished officer in the Earth Planetary Forces, and I was an Assassin. I was skilled at spotting patterns, which meant I knew what Torq’s past behaviors meant.

He couldn’t be trusted. Not with my body, and certainly not with my heart. He might have come looking for me because he was afraid Dom wanted to hurt me, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t just as capable of hurting me. Maybe more so because Dom didn’t affect me like Torq did.

I could hear him breathing behind me, and as curt as I’d been with him, I was glad that he was no longer shivering or hitching in uneven breaths. He would be fine. We both would.

We would be able to leave when the sun rose and return to the academy. For the first time since I’d gotten lost in the woods, I wondered how the battle of the schools was unfolding. Had my team searched for me? Were the other Assassin teams still roaming the mountains, or had a victor been declared?

I found it hard to care as much about a competition that brought nothing but bragging rights to the school, but that might have been because I had not grown up hearing about the winners of each year’s battle. Maybe it was like the Army Navy football game, which made usually sane people go a little nuts.

I imagined that life at the academy would not change much. One school would be declared the winner at a celebratory banquet, then cadets would leave for a break before the second year started. My gut twisted into a knot. For me, life at the academy would continue without Torq. After this, there would be little reason to interact with him. I might pass him in the corridors, but I would get a polite glance or head nod at most.

Even though he had saved me, and I had saved him, things had not changed. He could never be with someone like me, and I could never forget how he’d cast me aside. The pain was too sharp, too fresh. It was too soon.

I huffed out an impatient breath, irritated at myself for being weak. Why did I have to punish myself? Why couldn’t I be the one to take what I wanted and then cast it aside? Why did I have to accept what he’d said without a fight?

I was a strong, independent woman who had beaten all the odds to make it to the Drexian Academy. I couldn’t let one cocky cadet knock me off my game or set the rules. Not anymore.

I rolled over and pushed Torq onto his back, straddling him and resting my hands on his bare chest. Without light, I couldn’t see his reaction, but I could feel it.

He jerked awake and put his hands on top of mine. “Jess?”

“You don’t have to do anything, and you don’t have to talk.” I leaned down and found his mouth, brushing my lips across him. “Actually, I’d prefer if you don’t.”

“What are you—?”

I silenced his question with a kiss, capturing his mouth as I rocked my body into his. I had to say, I liked being on top and calling the shots. Not that I didn’t like being underneath him and submitting to him, but I felt a rush of power as I felt his cock thickening beneath me.

I tore my lips from his and ran my fingers down the hard curves of his muscles. There was something forbidden and naughty about being in total blackness and having to feel my way around his body. I couldn’t see if he was startled or shocked. I could only feel the rapid rise and fall of his chest and the urgent hardness of his cock.

“Do you still want me?”

“Jess.” He groaned my name. “You know I do, but I thought you told me—”

“I know what I said.” I couldn’t allow myself to overthink myself into a sensible decision, which would mean stopping. “But this is just tonight. It means nothing but I want you to fuck me. No strings. No nothing. We pretend like it never happened. Do you think you can do that, Cadet?”

Torq mumbled a desperate yes as he sat up and wrapped his arms around my back, unclasping my bra with impressive speed. He pulled it off me and cupped my breasts in his hands, bringing first one and then the other to his mouth. I arched my back and let my head fall as he sucked on my tight nipples, until I was moaning and scraping my fingers through his hair.

Then I remembered that I was in charge. This was my game and my rules. I gave him a hard shove to push him back and shimmied down until I could grasp his cock with one hand, my fingers curling around the broad base but not touching. I lifted myself and used one hand to pull my panties to the side as I slid his thick crown between my slickness.

“Grekking hell, you’re soaked for me.” Torq’s words were gritted out, and their desperation sent a thrill through me. He was at my mercy.

“Tell me what you want,” I said as I hovered above him, his cock notched at my entrance. “Beg for it.”

A tortured growl emanated from Torq and echoed off the stone around us. “You want to know what I want, little Assassin?”

My heart sped out of control as desire rocked me. I could barely keep myself upright as his hands gripped my hips and his rough fingers squeezed my flesh.

“I want you to take all of me like the good girl you are. I want you to ride my cock until you scream my name,” his voice was a velvet purr that both terrified and thrilled me. “I want to stretch that aching little cunt of yours until I ruin you for anyone else. I want to fuck you so hard that you never forget you belong to me.”