Page 60 of Loyalty

I didn’t care that his viewpoint sounded a bit sexist, but I could sense Fiona bristling beside me. “What do you know about the human that was taken by them and rescued?”

He waved a hand at the pair of chairs across from his desk and waited for us to sit before lowering himself back into his chair. “I regret that I know little of the location and rescue. I was only involved in getting the human and her Drexian rescuer off the outpost once she was freed.”

“Only one Drexian went after her?” I clarified, still amazed that a solo mission had succeeded.

“Only one, but he was well-trained in subterfuge, since he was a—” Vyk stopped himself and cleared his throat, “Drexian warrior.”

That hadn’t been what he’d meant to say, but I didn’t pursue it. “Can you tell me anything more about how it was done?”

The Drexian stroked one hand down both sides of his trim, gray beard as he thought. “I do know that they were certain of the target. That is why the one-Drexian rescue worked.”

“See?” Fiona cut her gaze to me. “That’s why we’re working so hard to find where the Kronock are keeping Sasha.”

I didn’t respond because a big part of me still wanted to take a ship and start searching. I still had a barely controllable urge to do something.

“Your violent friend is right.” Vyk didn’t crack a grin at this, even though I fought the urge to laugh at Fiona’s expression of outrage. “To succeed, the rescue mission must be planned with excruciating detail.”

“Thank you.” Fiona’s words dripped with sarcasm, but Vyk didn’t catch that. He merely gave her a curt nod, which provoked a fuming huff from her.

As much fun as it was to watch Vyk and Fiona spar off without actually engaging, I didn’t want to waste the security chief’s time. “I appreciate your honesty.” I stood and Fiona followed suit. “If you can think of anything else that might help us, don’t hesitate to let me know.”

Vyk also stood. “I do not personally know the Drexian who pulled off the rescue, but his brother is Inferno Force. I could contact him.”

“We already have Torq doing that through his father,” Fiona said.

Vyk lifted a brow. “Torq has asked his father? I have never known House Swoll to do favors that do not benefit them personally.” He squared his shoulders. “It would be no trouble for me to also reach out. In case, House Swoll does not come through.”

The way he said it, made me think that Torq would not be successful despite his best efforts.

“I can also make contact with the other members of Inferno Force I know who have entered Kronock territory and escaped.”

“Like Kann’s friend who was taken prisoner?”

He inclined his head. “Yes, like Jax.”

“That would be great. Thank you.”

“No thanks are necessary.” Vyk gave us a slight bow as we turned and walked from his office.

When we were outside the closed door, I released a long breath. “That wasn’t so bad, was it? I’m starting to think he might not be such a bad guy, after all.”

Fiona gave what sounded like a harumph as she strode ahead of me. “I still don’t trust him.”

I followed her, but I already felt better that the gruff commander was on our side, even if it made Fiona crazy.




Iwinced as I made my way back to the dormitory tower, my leg screaming in pain with every tentative step. At least Dom had left the circuit with as many bruises and as much blood running down his face as I had. At least I’d gotten in as many hits as the deranged Blade.

At this point, I didn’t care that I was injured. The fight had purged me of the rage that had consumed me and given me a target for my fury. Battling with Dom across the platforms and obstacles had exorcised the guilt from me, as well. I was not to blame for the death of my Blade brother. It was Dom who carried that. At least, he would, if he wasn’t twisted by vengeance.

Part of me wanted to reach out to my older brother on a vid call and ask him what happened. But a bigger part of me knew he was guilty. He’d always despised anyone he deemed beneath him, and since that had often been me when we were growing up, I understood the depth of his wrath. If he’d decided that a Drexian deserved punishment, I had no doubt he’d been brutal.

“And now I get to pay the price.” Even mumbling hurt my split lip, and I tasted blood as I swallowed.