Page 45 of Loyalty

Reina twisted her lips to one side. “I don’t think that’s true. He’s never looked at me like I was a poplov berry dipped in chocolate.”

Reina might appear to be perpetually cheerful and bubbly, but I’d noticed that she was also both perceptive and intuitive. She seemed to see a lot that went on in the academy.

“Well, if he tries anything on you, just let me know.” Morgan cracked her knuckles. “I have a couple of older brothers. I don’t mind a good scrap.”

I wasn’t sure if picking a fight with a Drexian so much bigger than you would be what most people considered a good scrap, but I appreciated the sentiment. Before I could thank her, Morgan grabbed my arm and Reina’s and pulled us forward to close the distance between us and the instructors.

“Where are we going?” I asked, as much to myself as anyone. “And who in Battle knows about Kronock space?”

I realized that I didn’t know many Drexian Blades at all, except for Torq and the instructor who’d helped train us for the maze.

“Kann,” Ariana greeted the Drexian as he stepped from a doorway in nothing but snug, black sparring pants. “I hoped to find you here.”

The Drexian looked startled to see her and even more startled that we were with the lieutenant. “Ariana? Did something happen to Volt?”

She smiled at him. “No, but he told me I might find you here.”

I could see from the instructor’s expression that Volten might pay for revealing that information, especially since Kann now stood shirtless in front of four human females and one very giggly Vexling. “You found me. How can I help?”

Despite the fact that I’d been up close and personal with a ripped Drexian the night before, I would have been blind not to notice the Drexian’s muscular chest and corded stomach. There didn’t look to be an ounce of fat on the guy. If there was a single Drexian at the academy who approached dad bod territory, I hadn’t seen him.

“I heard that one of your Inferno Force crew mates was taken captive by the Kronock.”

Kann wrinkled his brow. “Really? Who’s been talking to you about Inferno Force?”

Ariana shifted from foot to foot. “I don’t want to reveal my confidential source, but I was told about an Inferno Force crew mate of yours that was held in enemy space. Someone named Jax?”

Reina tentatively raised her hand. “I might have mentioned it to her. I knew Jax at my last space station. I was there when he vanished into Kronock territory.”




Kann led us into a dark room and then swept his hand over a panel in the wall, and we were instantly engulfed by light.

“Whoa,” Morgan said under her breath as she stopped short, and I almost walked into her. “What is this place?”

“This is the circuit.” Kann glanced at the massive series of platforms, dangling ropes, incline walls, and parallel bars. Then he smiled at us. “Want to give it a try?”

I suppressed the urge to double over with laughter. I might have made it through basic training, the battle class from last term, and the after-hours, maze coaching sessions, but that didn’t mean I considered myself up for a physical gauntlet that looked like it spit out Drexians for fun. The series of challenges looked like something from a cheesy Earth reality show without the bright colors or extra padding.

“Why are we here?” Ariana was practically vibrating with nervous energy as her gaze swept the high-ceilinged space.

The Blade instructor waved to a small area with curved benches for observers. “Battle doesn’t have much in the way of seating, and this is the closest place with any place to sit.” He walked toward the black benches. “Unless you would rather talk while scaling a rock wall in the climbing gym?”

“Nope.” Ariana followed him, running one hand through her hair. “This works. Now what can you tell me about Jax?”

Kann sat on one bench and then turned so he could face the other one. He leaned forward to put his elbows on his knees. “I’d forgotten about his experience with the Kronock. We only shared a ship for one mission before I left Inferno Force to take my post here. I don’t even know if he’s still in Inferno Force since he took a mate.”

Ariana took the spot across from him but the rest of us remained standing since it seemed like almost a private conversation between the two. That is, until Reina plopped down next to Ariana.

“That’s a good point,” Reina tapped one long finger on her chin. “I don’t think he’d want to leave his bride for long. They’re quite devoted to each other.”

“So, you don’t know anything about his time being held by the Kronock?” Ariana sounded deflated, and her shoulders slumped.

“I am sorry to say that I don’t.” Kann reached a hand and touched it to Ariana’s knee. “But he isn’t the only one to be held captive by the enemy—or to be rescued from a Kronock prison. A former High Commander rescued a tribute bride from Kronock space. We’re trying to contact him so he can share how he did it.”