Reasons. I could give him logical reasons. “For one, we’re cadets. We’re not supposed to be hooking up. I know I was told that there could be no fraternizing with Drexian cadets.”
“That’s not an academy rule.”
Of course it wasn’t. The Drexian Academy didn’t have rules to account for female cadets since they’d never had them before, although I had serious doubts the Drexian academy hadn’t had hookups that were kept quiet. “For another, it’s too distracting for both of us. We just got inducted into our schools. We need to focus on our work.”
“We cannot work all the time. It is not healthy. We need breaks, and I cannot think of a better break.”
I narrowed my eyes at him. “You’re a Blade, and I’m an Assassin. We’re preparing for the battle of the schools. Aren’t you worried that being emotionally attached to an opponent might be a weakness?”
“I can separate my life as a Blade and my personal life. I do not intend to go easier on your school just because you’re in it. Would you go easier on me?”
“Never,” I said quickly.
“Then we’re agreed.” He lowered his lips to my neck, but I pushed him away.
“We’re not agreed. I can’t do this.”
His eyes narrowed, heat flaring within them. “You don’t want me to kiss every bit of your body and make you screa—”
“I’ve never done this before,” I blurted out before I could think better of it. “I’ve never been with anyone.”
Torq stiffened, a deep wrinkle forming between his eyes. “How is that possible?”
My cheeks flamed with embarrassment. This was not something I’d wanted to admit to him. This wasn’t something I admitted to anyone.
“I was determined not to end up pregnant when I was a teenager, and the only way to be sure that didn’t happen was to stay far from all the horny boys in my hometown who were good at charming girls out of their panties but bad with condoms. Then I joined the Navy and steered clear of hooking up with other sailors, and here I am.” I exhaled after saying so much without taking a breath. “Now you know why this is a horrible idea.”
“Why would it be a horrible idea?”
“Because I’m a virgin. I have no idea what I’m doing. I’ll probably be awful.”
Torq smiled at me. “I doubt that very much.” He brushed a hair from my face. “Do you wish to remain a virgin?”
That made me think. “No. Not really, but the longer I go, the weirder it gets.”
“Then maybe our roles could switch.”
I blinked at him. “What do you mean?”
“You have been tutoring me. Now I could tutor you.”
I almost burst out laughing before I realized he was serious. “You want to tutor me in sex?”
“I can honestly say I would like nothing more.”
A thousand voices were screaming in my head that this was a terrible idea, but I ignored them. I couldn’t stay a virgin forever, and here was a gorgeous Drexian offering to be my personal sex tutor. It was almost too good to be true, even if it probably was a terrible idea.
“This stays between us,” I said firmly. “And we keep this professional, just like the tutoring. We aren’t dating and we definitely aren’t a couple.”
His eyes flickered with challenge, but he nodded. “If that is what you want.”
As hot as Torq was, my gut told me he wasn’t boyfriend material, and he wasn’t the relationship type. But he was the sex tutor type. I had a feeling he’d be great at that. “I guess we have ourselves another deal.”