Morgan shrugged and gave her a look of pure innocence. “What can we say? We are Assassins, after all.”
“Well played,” Fiona said.
Morgan twisted her neck until it cracked. “Now can we please get out of here so I can get my beauty sleep?”
Before I could tease her about her beauty sleep, I remembered where I was supposed to be and who I was supposed to meet. Panic shot through me as I grabbed my tablet and leather bag. “I forgot something I need to do. I have to go.”
I didn’t wait to see anyone’s reaction or linger for their questions. I only hoped that I dashed from the Stacks fast enough that they couldn’t follow me, as I rushed through the darkened halls of the academy to Torq’s quarters.
I snuck another impatient glance at the timepiece on my nightstand, the small moons circling the perimeter while the numbers in the center remained motionless. She was late.
She’s not coming. She’s tired of your deal. She’s tired of you.
I brushed aside the traitorous thoughts that lurked in the depths of my mind, the ones that had always told me that I wasn’t strong enough, that I wasn’t smart enough, that I wasn’t fast enough. That I wasn’t enough.
I suppressed them the only way I knew how, the only way that had always worked. I reminded myself that I was an elite Drexian from House Swoll. I was born superior and anyone who didn’t recognize that was clearly beneath me.
But that wasn’t true either. Jess wasn’t beneath me. Even thinking that made me want to fly to her rescue and defend her against…myself?
I growled and scraped a hand roughly through my hair. How had I let this happen? How had I let myself become so distracted by the prospect of a female—a human female—coming to my room to tutor me that I couldn’t think about anything else, including the weapons homework I should have been completing?
“Concentrate, Torq.” I dragged my chair back to my desk and bent my head over the tablet that displayed the various types of weapons I needed to label and explain. I started with the easiest one—the throwing dagger—and quickly outlined its optimal uses and the advantages of various grips. Thinking of how I’d have to demonstrate my skills with the dagger helped keep my mind on the blade and far from Jess.
The only things preventing me from going mad and obsessing about the woman I could never have were my battle classes and my fellow Blades. I’d become fast friends with the other first-years in the School of Battle, which had lessened the blow of losing my roommate and losing the chance to see Jess daily during the intro classes we’d had during the first term. I hadn’t realized how much I’d looked forward to watching the dark-haired human from the corner of my eye, or how I’d always taken a seat in the lecture halls so I could see her.
Now she was in the School of Strategy, and I was in the School of Battle, and the only way I could ensure that our paths crossed was to insist she tutor me nightly. I didn’t need to be tutored nightly, especially not in Kronock, which would play a minuscule part in my curriculum. But I didn’t mind pretending to be thick when it came to the language, as long as it meant being in the same room with her.
I needed to breathe in her scent, savor the occasional brush of her finger against mine, and watch her nibble her bottom lip when she was deep in thought. I needed it like I needed blood to flow through my veins, and I did not know why. I could not have explained why this particular female had drawn my attention so completely, but whether it was her unadorned beauty, her intelligence, or the way her eyes flared when they met mine, I was helpless to fight it.
A furtive knock on the door made me spring to my feet, my heart racing as I pressed the panel to open it. I was prepared to reprimand her for being late, but there was no need.
“I’m really sorry.” She rushed inside with a glance over her shoulder. “I lost track of time.”
That stole the thunder from my indignation, which was fine since seeing her swept away all my irritation within an instant. “You did not have second thoughts about our deal?”
She shook her head. “No. The deal is still on, so don’t even dream about spilling my secret.”
I had no intention of telling anyone what I had surmised about her and the other humans training for the maze, but I could not tell her. Instead, I gave her my silkiest smile. “You hold up your end, and I pledge to hold up mine.”
She turned away, clearly not charmed by my smile, which continued to bother me. Most females, especially Drexians, found me irresistible, but Jess did not. Jess also didn’t care about my clan status, which might have had something to do with it. I was starting to realize that I’d relied on my clan name to impress females, and this one was not impressed.
“Let’s get started.” She retrieved a tablet from her bag and sat down at my desk. “We left off with the various forms of ‘kill,’ and in Kronock, that’s a lot.”
I didn’t join her at the desk. “No verbs tonight.”
She looked at me, her brows pressing together. “Why not? Is this because I was late? I told you—“
“It is not that. I think we need a break from Kronock.” I noticed that her eyes were bloodshot. “I think we both need a break from studying.”
Jess released a sigh. “Seriously?” When I held out my hand, the relief in her face morphed into panic. “What kind of break?”
I was a bit hurt that she seemed horrified by the thought of doing anything with me but studying, but I laughed it off. “I am not suggesting anything scandalous.”
She tilted her head slightly, obviously unconvinced.
The version of myself that still couldn’t believe she wouldn’t want to be pursued by an elite Drexian like me leaned down so that I could drop my voice to a whisper. “When we end up in my bed, it will be you who has begged me.”