He comes to stand beside Tiana. “Everything is under control. I’ve been running—”
“Mr. Vyronov!” The doctor doesn’t seem to like this turn of events. “I am trying to examine you. This isn’t time for a business meeting.”
“Am I dead?” I look at him.
“Well, no but-” He looks flustered.
“Then your work here is done. Go.”
“But, Mr. Vyronov!” The man waves his hands about. As if that would change my mind.
“Are you gone yet?” I turn back to Dima when the man doesn’t answer. Finally, he backs away. As the door closes, I gesture for Dima to continue.
“Petrov is done, boss. Finished. We cleared out his holdings and dispersed the rest of his team. They scattered like rats.”
“And the shipments?”
“Back on track.” Dima’s lips quirk into a mirthless smile. “He thought we’d never get to the root of it, but it didn’t take long. Your wife… Zoya fed them intel. They got more from-” he slants a look at Tiana, “Theo Avants, but that dried up when they took him out. The rest was scavenged wherever they could find it; on the street, tapping calls. But there was no sign of another mole. Petrov overplayed his hand.”
“Excellent.” I’m pleased. Finally some good fucking news.
“Kirill, do you need to do this now?” Tiana interrupts, her hand on my arm. I like it there.
I turn my head to face her. “Business is business, Ptichka. It needs to be dealt with.”
She heaves a sigh. “I’m guessing this is my life now?”
“Not all of it. There will be a lot of good moments too.” I wink at her.
“Can I have some of those moments now?”
She’s right.
I pause, looking up at Dima. “Thank you, bratok.”
Dima looks at me, then Tiana, and moves out without question. I turn my attention back to my woman. “I’m sorry. I owe you more than that.”
“You don’t owe me anything. I just want to be able to fit into your world a bit more.” She gnaws on her bottom lip; uncertainty flickers over her face.
Reaching out to cup her face, I stare into her eyes. “You are my world, Tiana. The best part of it.”
“Am I now?” She smiles, covering my hand with her own.
“Da.” I tilt my head. “How could you not know that? I have told you that you are mine. And that means I am yours.”
“Mine?” Her eyes grow huge. “You’re mine?”
“Forever. Why else would I say I would never leave you? You hold my heart in these hands.” I take one and press my lips to her palm.
“But…” She looks confused. “You’ve never said…”
“That I love you?” The words come out a lot harder to say than I expected. But I mean them.
“Yes. That. You’ve never said it,” she whispers.
“Well, I am saying it now. I love you, Tiana.” It’s a little easier to say now. “I love you like my next breath. And I will walk through hell and back if you need me to.”
“Kirill, I…” She sniffs and holds my hand closer to her heart. “I don’t need you to go through hell. I just want you to be by my side. I want you to be there for me… and for our babies.”