Page 34 of Ruby Menace

“You are no good to me, then.” I release him, shoving him away from me. He stumbles and falls to the ground, landing in a heap at my feet as he gurgles out his last breaths. I turn to Dima, who’s been standing silently beside me.

“Get the location,” I say, my voice cold and emotionless. “Pull some strings if you have to. One of your contacts will know.” Dima’s ability to gather intel sometimes seems supernatural; he has more connections than anyone I know in this business.

Without a word, he pulls out his phone and dials a number. He speaks quickly and quietly into the receiver, his eyes scanning the room as he does so. When he’s finished, he dials another number, then another. About ten long minutes and several phone calls later, he slides his phone back into his pocket and walks up to me.

“I found it, Boss,” he says. “It’s an old office block that belongs to one of Petrov’s cover businesses. About a thirty minute drive from from here.”

I nod, my mind already racing ahead to what we’ll find at the location. If they have harmed so much as one hair on her head… Another swirl of rage rises. I’ve had enough of this fucking war. It’s been going on for years, ever since my time with Zoya. It’s time to put an end to it. It’s not even safe for my woman to set foot on the streets without being in danger. This bullshit has gone too far. I’m putting a stop to it today, even if I have to kill every last one of them.

I look at Yuri. “Clear this place out. Find any survivors. Leave no one breathing.”

He dips his head in assent without question and moves back into the carnage of the warehouse. Gunshots ring out. I ignore them.

“Move out,” I say, turning to the rest of my men. “We’re ending this today.”

Chapter Thirteen


“Please. You have to believe me.” Even to my own ears, my voice sounds powerless. “I don’t know anything about shipments and pickup points.” I shift awkwardly, the wooden chair hard and uncomfortable beneath me. The cool air raises the tiny hairs on my skin; or maybe that’s just fear.

“Try again, suka.” The men surrounding me reek of sweat and cigarettes, their eyes gleaming with malice as they circle like vultures. Boots scuff the bare floor, echoing in the almost empty room. “You’ve been in his household for weeks. Do you think we’re idiots?” the smaller of them says.

“No!” I shake my head wildly.

“Then start talking!” he snaps, grabbing my chin and forcing me to look at him. “When is the next shipment? Where is the drop-off point?” His eyes are cold and flat, the color of dirty water, beneath short-cropped brown hair. A scar runs along the length of his jawline.

I try to shake my head again, but his grip doesn’t allow it. “I swear, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I whisper. “Why would he tell me anything? I’m not involved in his business.”

They laugh, a chilling sound that sends shivers down my spine. “That’s not what we heard, bitch,” the other one sneers. He’s the bigger of the two, broad and hulking, his head shaved; the one who’d carried me here so effortlessly. “You’re his whore. All that time fucking him and you didn’t pick up anything?”

“I’m not a whore,” I protest, my voice sounding weaker than I intended. “And I don’t know anything about any deliveries or locations.”

“I don’t believe it,” the one holding my chin says. His grip tightens. He looks at his companion. “Do you believe it, Boris?”

Boris shakes his head, his lip curling. “She’s lying, Aleksei; protecting that pizda. But we were told that you would put up a good fight, suka.” He glances at me. “That you would need convincing. I think I’m looking forward to it, actually.”

My eyes water at the pressure on my chin. I try to twist my head away, but it’s no use. I’m sure I’m going to have bruises after this. That’s if I live long enough for bruises to form.

Don’t think that way!

“I swear to you, it’s the truth.” I want to weep, to release the tension that’s been building in me, but I know it won’t get me anywhere. “Why would he tell me anything? I’m just a woman he bought to entertain himself.” It hurts to say it, but ultimately it’s the truth.

“Have it your way.” The one named Aleksei raises a thick eyebrow. “You know, our boss has told us that we are not to return until we find out what he wants. Which means we have to be persuasive.” He looks over to his friend. “Boris?”

Boris nods and pulls a plastic bag from the pocket of his black leather jacket. He then holds it up and dangles it in front of my face. “Do you know what this is, suka?” His slate-gray eyes are cold as stone.

I stare at it, licking my lips. “I… I don’t,” I husk out.

“This is what we call ‘persuasion’,” he smirks. Before I know what he’s about to do, he slips the bag over my head, pulling it tight under my chin.

“No!” I gasp out, stiffening in shock, then fighting against the ropes holding me down. Panic starts to set in as I realize that my oxygen is running out.

I can’t breathe!

He’s suffocating me!

I gasp and choke, my lungs burning as I struggle for air. I can hear them laughing, enjoying my suffering.