Page 31 of Ruby Menace

But he killed her!

He was the one who took it all away. My mother. My childhood. It’s all his fault. I should hate him for that. And I do!

I put the thought out of my mind, forcing myself to focus on the present.

Wherever they take me, it can’t be far off because it feels like mere minutes before we’re slowing down again. I hear people getting out of the car. Then the trunk is flung open, and I’m being yanked out. When I kick out and try to poke someone’s eyes out with my heels, the bigger of the two hefts me up and slings me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. I’m ridiculously outmatched.

They carry me across a deserted parking bay to a squat red brick building. I still have no idea where we are, and I wonder how they expect Kirill to track us down after this convoluted maze they’ve brought me through. Although they will probably just give him the coordinates, tell him to come alone, and then shoot him down on sight.


I should hate Kirill for everything he’s done, but somehow, I don’t. A part of me that tells me that there’s more to the story Zoya told me about him killing my mother.

Or maybe that’s just what you want to believe, you lovesick idiot.

We reach the door of the building, and it swings open. “Privet,” someone mutters. “She’s the one?”

“Da,” the man carrying me says, shifting my weight on his shoulder. I hold myself stiffly, feeling every jolt and jar against my belly and cringing at the thought of what this might be doing to my baby.

The men exchange a few more words, and then we’re on the move again. I’m taken down a hallway, catching glimpses of bare walls before stopping at yet another door. The bigger of the two pushes it open, and then I’m roughly set on my feet in a small, dimly lit room.

Fear has me trembling as I take in the interior. A site office, perhaps, with a metal desk shoved in one corner and a chair beside it. I flinch as I’m pushed toward it, then pushed down onto the seat.

“Don’t hurt me,” I blurt, knowing it’s a foolish request. These men aren’t exactly the type who will treat me like a lady. And they’ve made it clear what my purpose is. Use me as bait to take down Kirill. And if they succeed… I don’t even want to think about what will happen to me and my baby after that.

You’ll no longer be of use to them!

As they tie me to the chair, I close my eyes and think of Kirill. I can’t help but wonder if Zoya was telling me the truth about him being my mother’s murderer. There’s something about the whole story that just doesn’t add up. Why is it that… the realization that dawns on me is like another donkey kick, except this time it’s in the gut.


Besides Roxie and me, Zoya is the only one who knows I’m pregnant. And now, my captors know it too. Which means…

Zoya sold you out to them, you idiot!

She convinced you to leave the restaurant by telling you that Kirill murdered your mom!

That’s what got you kidnapped!

My mouth almost drops open. If this is true, it means the transcript Zoya showed me back at the restaurant can easily be a fake. Maybe Kirill is innocent.

Innocent huh?

Yeah, right. There are many things one can say about Kirill, but ‘innocent’ is not one of them. Kirill Vyronov is anything but innocent. Maybe he has it coming. Maybe he deserves his downfall. And maybe by these guys using me as bait to take him down, I am fulfilling my purpose in this life.

Stop it, girl!

You can’t think like that!

I can’t give up. I have to figure something out. Not for myself, but for the tiny soul I carry in my belly.

I take a few deep breaths and force myself to stay calm as I try to think of a way out of this. Twisting against the ropes that bind me is a complete waste of time. Even if I get loose, there are two burly men bearing down on me. And more down the hall. I don’t even know where they brought me. It’s hopeless.

Still giddy, I try to keep my head from lolling as one of the guys steps up to me. He has a knife in his hand, and he trails the tip of it over my cheek. I shudder at the sensation of the cold steel on my flesh.

“Alright, suka,” he says. “It’s time to see how much information we can squeeze out of you while we wait for Vyronov to arrive.”

Please, God, send help.