Page 63 of Ruby Menace

“Isn’t that supposed to happen later?” I grin.

“Do it now!” It’s definitely Roxie.

Laughing, I turn and toss the bundle of roses over my shoulder, looking back to see who gets it. It hits Dima in the chest just as Roxanne flings herself through the air in a flying tackle. They clash heads as both their fingers close into the petals.

Kirill starts to laugh.

Next thing I know, I’m laughing, too.

“I don’t get it. What does this mean?” Dima’s confusion is unmistakable, but Roxie is staring at him as if for the first time.

This is going to get interesting.

But all of my life is going to be interesting. And filled with happiness. And love. Gazing up at my gorgeous husband, I take a step forward into our new life together.

We have a whole world of joy before us.



My wife never looks more beautiful than when she is holding my children. And she’s doing it right now, feeding our daughter.

It makes my fucking soul sing.

“Are you just going to stand there staring at me all day, or are you going to hand me that nursing blanket?” Tiana raises an eyebrow.

“I am going to stand and stare.” I fold my arms over my chest and wait for her to unhook her bra. It’s one of those hideous contraptions that allows her to nurse without getting undressed. Somehow, it still looks good on her.

Everything looks good on her.

“Vasilly just woke up.” Carmen walks into the sunroom holding my son. Tiana’s mother has been a permanent fixture since our wedding, almost a year ago. It doesn’t bother me. Family is important.

“I’ll take him when I’m finished with Elena. She’s almost done,” says Tiana. “Aren’t you, my little angel?” she coos down at the infant in her arms.

Tired of standing, I take a seat in the late afternoon sunshine right beside my wife. It’s the spot where my mother used to sit, and it makes her seem a little closer to being here.

It’s hard to believe that it wasn’t long ago that she’d been sitting here, in this very room, locked in her lonely world. Now she’s in a golden place with my father and my sister. It’s hard that she’s gone, but I take comfort in the thought of them together.

“Kirill, can you hold Vasilly for a moment?” Carmen is holding the squirming child out to me, and I reach for him, cradling him in my arms. It’s so strange to look into his tiny face and see my own eyes looking back at me.

“You’ll be a good fighter one day, boy, I can see it.” I stroke his downy head with my fingertip.

“Oh no, he will not!” Tiana objects. “He’ll be a doctor or a lawyer. No son of mine will use his hands for killing.”

“She does not know yet,” I murmur to him.

“I heard that.” Tiana is adjusting her shirt, exposing the globe of her other perfect breast. They’re fuller now. I like them.

“I know you did. It still won’t change anything,” I tell her, lifting Vassilly and setting him against my shoulder, my hand supporting the back of his head.

“Incorrigible man.” She huffs and then giggles. “Hey! Are you checking out my boobs?”

“Yes.” I stare openly. “I love your tits like this. And I will be doing more than just staring as soon as I get you back to our room later.”

“Kirill!” she squawks. “My mother is standing right here!” She shoots a look over her shoulder to where Carmen is beaming at us.

“I’m no stranger to this sort of thing, darling.” She chuckles. “I breastfed you till you were one, you know.”