And another.
My eyes, heavy like lead weights, crack open, bringing the world back in ragged pieces. But what comes into view is not the chaos that took place in my study just minutes ago. Blurry shapes swim into focus, coalescing into the stark white of a ceiling. Then, I hear the steady beep of a heart monitor, the hum of machines, and muffled voices. My eyelids feel like they’re made of lead, but I force them open.
The beeping continues as I take in my surroundings. Pain shoots through my chest as I try to sit up, but a hand on my shoulder pushes me back down.
What the fuck?
That’s when the understanding dawns on me: I was dreaming. I’m in a bed. A hospital bed. And above me, is the face I saw in my dreams. Her eyes are red and puffy from crying, but relief washes over her when she sees me staring up at her.
“Kirill,” she whispers, her voice breaking. “You’re awake.” Tears spill down her cheeks, and I try to reach a hand up to brush them away, but my arm won’t cooperate.
I’m weak as a kitten.
“What happened?” I croak out. My voice feels ragged and distant, like I haven’t spoken in weeks. I look down at my chest, which is swathed in bandages. I have needles and tubes everywhere.
“You saved my life. You took a bullet for me.” Her words choke off. She pauses a moment, a hand at her throat as if trying to physically find her voice again.
“I figured that much out, Ptichka.” I smile at her. I know it’s feeble, but it seems to make her happier. “What happened after?”
“The bullet grazed your heart. You spent hours in surgery before they managed to remove it without causing more damage.” Her throat works. “It was touch and go.”
“When was that?” I frown, looking around.
“Over a week ago.”
“A week!” I want to sit up, but still, I can’t. This is bullshit! “And you were here all that time?” Her clothes are rumpled, her hair lank and stringy. And yet she’s still beautiful.
“Please lie back, my love, you’re going to hurt yourself.” Her hand is on my shoulder again, and I barely have the strength to fight it. Breathless, I slump back against the pillows.
“I need to get up,” I mutter. I don’t think there’s ever been a time in my entire life that I’ve been flat on my back for an entire week. I don’t plan to start now.
“You will do no such thing!” Her pretty face hardens with determination. She’s fucking adorable. Especially when she’s angry. “You’re going to stay right where you are until the doctor gives the all-clear.”
“I will make him give the all-clear! Where the fuck is he anyway?” I look around. The room is empty aside from us, although I can hear voices in the hallway outside.
“He’ll be here soon. I pressed the buzzer to the front desk when I saw you wake up. But he’s not going to let you out of this place until he’s absolutely certain that it won’t put any strain on your heart.”
“My heart is fine.” I feebly start tugging at the stupid tube in my hand.
“Kirill, stop it!” She puts her hand over mine, stopping me. “Please… you have to give yourself time to heal. You’re not out of danger yet.” Fear creeps into her voice. “God… I was so afraid of losing you.”
I finally manage to get my arm to lift. I reach up to touch her cheek, stroking it reassuringly despite the pain it causes me. “Shh,” I say hoarsely, “I’m here; I am fine.” I give her a weak smile. “I promised you no one would take you from me. It goes both ways, my little bird. I’m not going anywhere either.”
“I know that now.” She laughs past a little sob, leaning down to brush her lips over mine. “The doctors said it was like you pulled yourself away from death through sheer force of will. That sounded exactly like my man.”
My man.
I like the way she says that.
“What about Petrov? The others?” I frown as details come flickering back to me like a faulty film reel. There’d been the gunfight, with Dima appearing out of nowhere. Petrov and his men fighting back. Zoya…
Cyka blyat!