Page 51 of Ruby Menace

“Come,” I say to Tiana, who is staring at me wide-eyed. I can only imagine the shock she must be trying to recover from. I fight down an uncharacteristic swirl of guilt as I think about how we were fucking just minutes ago, when I should have been taking better care of her.

I quickly usher her to the front doors and then inside. It’s a private Bratva clinic, but from the outside, it looks like any other nondescript office building. Anonymity is a necessity in my world, especially for those of us needing medical attention. Although it’s unusual for me to be here for the reasons we’re visiting today. Normally I’m visiting our trusty bullet-puller – the seasoned medic who’s plucked enough lead from Bratva flesh to fill a cargo ship. But a pregnancy checkup? This is new.

We move quickly through the carpeted corridors, past muted framed paintings beneath soft lighting. Finally, we reach our destination. I’ve never been into these rooms before, but I’ll admit, they’re pleasant. Just what my woman needs right now.

And then some rest. She’s been strangely silent since the trip in the car. Probably still recovering from it all.

As we walk into the room, we’re met by a short, dark-haired man in a white coat. I’ve never met him before, but I know that he’s the best in the business. He wouldn’t be here if he wasn’t.

“What’s going on, Kirill?” Tiana says under her breath. I don’t get a chance to respond because the doctor is talking.

“Mr. Vyronov,” the man says, dipping his head so low it’s as if he’s thinking of bowing. “I am Dr. Kuznetsov,” he introduces himself. “And this must be our mother-to-be?” He looks at Tiana, who seems completely confused.

“Yes,” I reply for her. “She will need a complete examination. She has been through an ordeal.”

“Of course, Pakhan.” He nods and turns toward a small door leading off the waiting area. He pushes it open and leads us into an examination room.

The clinic is designed to be soothing, with soft colors and gentle lighting. This room is no different. It’s a comfortable space, with a plush examination table and a soft robe for Tiana to wear.

“Please,” Dr. Kuznetsov gestures to a small changeroom nearby, “remove your clothing and put on the robe. I will be back in a minute.”

He aims a deferential smile at me and leaves us. There’s yet another silence after he’s gone. Tiana still seems tense.

“Kirill,” she half-whispers, her eyes flitting around the room. “What’s going on?”

I frown, glancing at her. “What do you mean?”

She looks away, biting her lip. “I thought… that you were angry with me. That maybe you were going to…” She clears her throat. “To punish me or something.”

“Punish you? Why the fuck would I punish you?”

“After you found out about the FBI…”

“About the FBI?” I interrupt, confused. “What about them?”

She takes a deep breath. “When you found out that they wanted me to spy on you, I thought you wouldn’t trust me anymore.”

I stare at her. “Why would you ever think that?”

She hesitates. “Because I lied to you.”

“You did not lie to me,” I say, my voice soft. “You kept something from me, but you did not lie.”

She looks up at me, her eyes searching mine. “You’re not angry at me?”

“No,” I say, shaking my head. “I’m worried about you.”

“About me?” she asks, searching my gaze.

“Da, Ptichka.” I frown. “About you and the baby.” What else does she think I’m talking about?

“The baby.”

“Yes,” I say. “Our baby.” I say the words patiently. She took a knock to the head. We should have that checked too.

She looks down at her stomach, her hand resting on it protectively. “Our baby,” she whispers.

I nod. “Our baby. Now put the robe on so the doctor can examine you. After what you have been through, we need to be sure that he is okay.”