Calm down, Tee.
I can’t let one amazing, mind-blowing lovemaking session lead me to believe that things are going to be right between us. There are just too many complications. My mind races, running through the usual laundry list of dramas – my father’s death, the FBI, Kirill’s wife in the background, the story Roxie told me, and my impending motherhood. All of these should spell turmoil for any normal person, and yet…
And yet, I am still consumed by the idea of being with him. For whatever bizarre reason, it’s like we are pulled towards each other like two magnets. And I don’t understand it. Despite all of the dark clouds looming over us, Kirill and I have built an intense, combustible connection that seems to override sense or reason. And I can’t decide if it’s real or I’m just being a naive teenager with raging hormones.
Maybe seeing him at his most vulnerable, mourning the loss of his mother, did something to me. Maybe it’s because I know what it feels like to lose a mother. And as hard as he appears, I know how much he loved her. He’s shown me that he’s capable of that emotion. I catch a glimpse of him across the room; tall, imposing, dominating the space in the way he always does and I allow my heart to warm for a moment.
What if I’m missing something?
I shake the thoughts off. As bad as my hormones want me to believe that Kirill Vyronov is a good man, I cannot simply forget about the things that happened, the things that I learned about him. There are red flags everywhere and I can’t just ignore them. But before I could allow myself to get lost in my thoughts even more, I sense a shift in the atmosphere around me. I turn and see Zoya sauntering toward me, her steps confident, her gaze piercing.
“Well look at you,” she says, her voice like silk wrapped around steel, “Don’t you look gorgeous tonight, sweetie.” Immediately she’s ruffling my feathers. The woman can’t be more than ten years older than me, but she treats me like a child.
“Not more than you do, Zoya.” I nod my head and muster up a smile.
“You did a wonderful job of the funeral. Kirill must be quite pleased.” It’s a compliment, but somehow, it doesn’t feel that way.
“I’m sure he’ll share his thoughts with me once we get home.” I play along, putting emphasis on the last word.
Zoya’s smile doesn’t slip, but her eyes flicker. She chuckles; it’s tinkling and high-pitched. “Of course. Knowing Kirill, I bet he can’t wait to be alone with you.”
“Maybe,” I reply, trying to sound nonchalant.
“I’m sure.” She winks, then glances around as if she’s making sure nobody’s listening. “There is something I need to tell you, darling.” She whispers, linking a hand through my elbow and putting a bit of pressure on it as if to guide me. I resist a little. “It’s important. And it should be said in private.” She tilts her head, not moving her hand.
“Make it quick, Zoya.” I purse my lips. “You know I can’t stay out of Kirill’s sight for very long.”
She gives a small snort as I allow her to lead me to a quiet corner of the room. There’s an exit door there that I hadn’t noticed before. She looks around us and then pushes it open. We emerge onto a secluded paved patio that carries the lingering scent of cigarettes. I find it odd that the restaurant would have a smoking zone when nobody inside seems to care about the dangers of nicotine. I’m sure they’re more worried about lead poisoning – in the form of bullets. With all the smokers inside, it’s unlikely we’ll be interrupted.
“Look, Tiana.” Zoya turns to face me, her features shadowed in the dim light. “I know what’s going on between you and Kirill and I’m in no position to object to it. But there’s something you should know. Something Kirill will never tell you…” She leaves the sentence hanging.
“And what would that be?” I ask, turning to face her.
“I’ll keep it short.” She heaves a sigh as if mulling something over, and somehow, I feel like it’s all for show. “You see, information is the best currency. Which is why I kept myself busy while I was in hiding. A woman in my situation needs… insurance. Who knows when Kirill might change his mind about keeping me safe. You understand?”
“Right.” I fold my arms over my chest. “What does that have to do with me?”
“More than you think. I learned a lot about Kirill’s business during that time. And your name… well, let’s just say that it came up a few times.”
“My name?” I tilt my head, wondering where she’s going with this.
“Well, your father’s name. Avants… I’m afraid he wasn’t who you think he was, dear.”
“If you’re going to tell me that my father was involved in dirty deals, it’s not news to me.”
“Of course not. You’re a smart girl. But how much do you know about his relationship with Kirill?”
“My father worked for his family.”
“That’s right. But their relationship goes way back, darling. Longer than you realize.”
I want to tell her that I’m not her darling, but I feel myself buckling as my need for answers begins to gnaw at me. “What are you getting at?”
“Well, back in the day, Kirill cut his teeth in this business by keeping… well, some people in line. Your father was one of them.”
I shake my head, feeling a furrow form between my brows. “You’re not telling me anything new. I know that my father was afraid of Kirill. I saw them together before-” I can’t say “before my father died”. As distant as it seems, the whole thing only happened a few weeks ago.
“I’m not talking about now, Tiana.” She steps a little closer. “I mean many years ago. When you were just a girl.”