“Me too,” Gabrielle says, grinning. “Thrilled for you two.”
The doorbell rings and when I open it, Allison and Cora stand on the doorstep, each with a bottle of wine in hand.
“Cora insisted we bring something,” Allison says, rolling her eyes. “Even though I told her this corner store wine isn’t going to cut it now that you’re used to luxury.”
“Ha! I’m never too good for corner store wine,” I tell them, inviting them in. I’d called them earlier to join our impromptu celebration.
As Allison and Cora step inside, their jaws drop comically at the sight of Hendrix’s luxurious home. They exchange awestruck glances as they take in the high ceilings, elegant décor, and general opulence of the place.
“Whoa, Liz, you’re living in Bruce Wayne’s bachelor pad!” Cora exclaims, stepping inside with exaggerated care, as if the sleek hardwood might crack under her sneakers.
Allison whistles as we approach the living room, nudging me playfully. “I’m not getting my roommate back, am I?”
Hendrix overhears and crosses the room in three long strides, his hand finding mine. The touch sends a spark along my skin, a silent acknowledgment passing between us. We’ve been dancing around this decision, but Allison’s quip is the catalyst we didn’t know we needed.
“Guess I’ll have to break the lease,” I say, feeling a sudden rush of certainty. The words are light, but the decision is monumental.
“Welcome home, Lizzy,” Hendrix murmurs, his voice low enough that only I can hear. His eyes hold mine, and I see the future reflected there—bright, bold, and utterly right.
I corral Allison and Cora into Hendrix’s well-stocked library. Cora, the book lover that she is, requires constant supervision to stay tuned into the conversation instead of exploring the shelves, but I know what’ll get her attention.
“Guess what?” I smirk over my wine glass. “Hendrix and I… we’ve fallen for each other. For real. We told each other we love each other today.”
“Wait, wait, wait.” Allison’s voice is so high-pitched, I worry about the windows breaking. “But he fell first, right?”
“He did.” I nod, a blush creeping up my neck because damn, it feels flattering, now that I say it out loud. “He told me it happened pretty much right when we met, so yeah, he definitely fell first.”
“Yes!” Allison pumps a fist in the air as Cora chimes in, their chorus resounding off the mahogany bookcases: “He fell first! He fell first!”
“Okay, okay!” I laugh, trying to shush them before their enthusiasm draws the attention of the rest of the house. “You guys were right about the pledge. Thank you for pushing me to take it. It really worked.”
“Of course it did!” Allison replies, grinning cheekily. “Because it was my idea, and I’m a genius.”
Cora shakes her head, drawing back to meet my eyes. “Don’t sell yourself short, Lizzy. You’re the one who took that pledge and made it happen. We just cheered you on from the sidelines.”
“True,” I concede. I might still be moping over unworthy guys if they hadn’t staged their friendship intervention, though I like to think I would’ve snapped out of it sometime soon.
“Cora’s right,” Allison says. “Give yourself some credit. You’re the one who grew a spine and started believing in yourself. And you had a whole lifetime of conditioning to get over, so that’s no small thing.”
Cora nods. “You gained the confidence you needed, and look where it got you. You’re not the same person who would let someone walk all over her. You have a badass career and you can handle a man like Hendrix Monroe. And make him fall in love with you, no less.”
“Damn straight.” Allison chuckles, giving my arm an affectionate squeeze. “You’ve always been the strong one—just took a little nudge to see it for yourself.”
“Thanks, guys.” I bite my lip, smiling because I have even more good news to tell them, and they’re really going to lose their shit when they hear my LocalLink news. But I want to wait to tell them with Hendrix, and to tell Gabrielle too.
“Snagging a billionaire with a heart of gold who punches jerks in the face for you?” Allison says. “That’s like winning the sexy jackpot.”
“Sexy jackpot” sends us spiraling into a fit of giggles, our laughter bouncing off the spines of classic novels that have no idea how scandalous their room has become.
I was right. They lose their absolute shit back in the living room, when I tell them that LocalLink is branching off as its own company, with me at the helm. I have to admit, I’m still slightly worried about if I’m really qualified enough to take on this responsibility. But Gabrielle has an instant reply to that.
“Are you kidding?” she says. “I’m taking credit for this. You were my protégé first, and I always saw big things in your future. Just tell people I taught you everything you know.”
“What?” Hendrix interjects. “So I don’t get any credit for—”
“Nope. You just swooped in to benefit from all my work.” Gabrielle winks at me while Hendrix tries to work out if she’s joking. “This, my dear Lizzy, is the attitude you should carry into your work. Recognize your part in everything that goes right with LocalLink. You’ll see you were born for this soon enough. That’s what we see.”
Harper pipes up from her spot on the floor.