Page 74 of He Falls First

My thoughts are coming quickly. Everything is so clear to me now.

“I’ve kept the different parts of my life separate for too long. I was so focused on securing Nexus Tech that I didn’t realize I was losing myself in the process. My family, unconventional as it is, means more to me than any company. If they can’t accept Gabrielle and Harper, then I don’t want them.”

I don’t know how Elizabeth’s feeling as she hears all this, so I fight the urge to reach out and pull her closer. Instead, I shove my hands into my pockets, because sometimes the only thing keeping you from falling is making sure you’ve got nowhere to put your hands.

“But the company—”

“Damn the company!” My chest rises and falls with frustrated breaths. After a long moment, I continue in a softer tone. “I won’t compromise who I am anymore just to please some judgmental shareholders. If they can’t accept me for who I am, then to hell with them. I’ll find another way.”

I turn to Elizabeth, my heart thundering like it’s got somewhere to be and no time to waste. Behind her, the shimmering beauty of the setting sun has nothing on the way her eyes hold mine.

“Lizzy, there’s something else I’ve got to say.”

“Okay?” Her voice wavers, and I can tell she’s bracing for impact.

“Ever since Tobias turned his back on Gabrielle and Harper, I’ve been all in with them. My family. But there’s this fear, eating at me, that if I lose the company, if I lose Nexus… I’d lose you, too.” My lips curl into a rueful smile. “But that’s the last thing in the world that I want. I’m madly in love with you, Elizabeth. No matter what happens with the company, I want to be with you. If you’ll have me.”

There, it’s out. My heart pounds as I await her response. Please let her feel the same. Please let this all be worth it.

Her lips part, silent at first. “Hendrix, I—”

“Hey, Hendrix! Lizzy!” Matt’s voice cuts through the silence. He strides toward us, oblivious to the emotional tightrope we’re walking. “Sorry to interrupt, but you both need to come back right now. Mr. Cromwell has made his decision about the company.”

“Damn it,” I mutter under my breath. I’m cursing every god that ever was for the world’s worst timing. I need to hear Elizabeth’s reply. But she doesn’t hesitate, taking my hand firmly in hers and following Matt back to the ballroom.

The crowd hushes as we approach Mr. Cromwell. All eyes are on us, once again.

“Ah, Hendrix, Elizabeth, glad you could rejoin us,” Cromwell says, his voice carrying across the room. “I must say, your dedication to a non-traditional family has given me much to think about.”

Everyone is silent, waiting for Mr. Cromwell’s verdict. Elizabeth squeezes my hand, and I put both of mine around hers.

Cromwell clears his throat. “It seems I was too hasty in my assumptions. After considering the matter further and speaking with others here tonight, I can see that the definition of family is evolving. It’s time for Nexus Tech to evolve with it.”

A cheer rises from the crowd. Cromwell isn’t finished, though. He raises his hands for silence again.

“Therefore, I am pleased to announce that ownership of Nexus Tech will transfer to Hendrix Monroe, along with a controlling interest in the board of directors.”

The room erupts with cheers. I’m stunned for a moment before the reality sinks in. I did it. The company is mine. And with it, the feeling that an enormous weight has just lifted off my shoulders.

Elizabeth throws her arms around me. “Congratulations!”

I hug her tight. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”

Officially the new owner of Nexus Tech. That’s me. My head spins with the reality of it, and I feel like I’m floating, like an astronaut who’s just been told gravity doesn’t apply to him anymore.

I nod vigorously at those around me, accepting their congratulations. Elizabeth stays close by my side, beaming.

Then I spot him in the crowd. Tobias.

He pushes through the throng, his eyes blazing.

“You can’t be serious! After everything I’ve said?” His incredulous gaze swings between Cromwell and me.

“Sorry, big brother,” I say, loud enough that only he can hear, a half-smile playing on my lips. “Looks like your little sabotage act didn’t have the legs you thought it did.”

Tobias’s jaw clenches, that familiar look of indignation flaring in his cold green eyes. But tonight, his disapproval is just background noise. Tonight, we celebrate—on my terms, with my real family. And with Elizabeth, if she’ll have me.

Tobias’s eyes narrow as they flick from me to Elizabeth, and then back again.