Hendrix stills, eyes fluttering shut. “Fuck, you feel incredible.” He pulls back slowly before slamming home again. Sparks of pleasure-pain radiate outward and I gasp.
“Okay?” Hendrix asks, voice strained. I can tell he’s struggling to hold back, to give me time to adjust.
I wrap my legs around his waist, pulling him in deeper.
“I’m good,” I tell him, clenching around him deliberately. “So good.”
Hendrix growls, drawing back and thrusting in with a smooth stroke. He sets a hard, pounding rhythm, chasing his pleasure as I chase mine. I meet each thrust eagerly with a clench of my thighs, clinging to his shoulders, squeezing around the delicious friction building inside me.
His thrusts are deep and hard, just on the edge of too much, wringing cries of pleasure from me with each stroke.
“Christ, Elizabeth,” he rasps against my mouth. “The things you do to me…”
The coil winds tight again, pleasure intensifying until I’m trembling on the edge.
Hendrix reaches between us, circling my clit with rough fingers. He must know when he’s brought me precisely to the edge, because he whispers, “Come for me again.”
The coil snaps and I shatter, crying out wordlessly. Hendrix thrusts erratically, chasing his own release.
Then, with a guttural cry, Hendrix slams into me and stays there. Grunting, he spills hot inside me, movements slow and pulsing as he rides out his orgasm. I feel the warm pulse of his release deep inside, triggering another wave of pleasure that has me tumbling over the edge again. His rhythm stutters, hips snapping against mine once, twice more before he groans, burying himself deep.
For a long moment, we stay locked together, chests heaving as we catch our breath.
Then he sighs and rolls away from me, saying, “Yeah, that’ll make a man fall for you first.”
I’m not quite sure if he’s joking or not. Is he really talking about our dating lessons right now? After everything he said in the garden tonight, I thought maybe…
Wait. I can’t let my thoughts spiral. That’s what I used to do with other guys I dated. I’d get anxious right after sex, worrying that I had more feelings for the guy than he had for me.
Right now, I just feel good. I want to enjoy the feeling of Hendrix’s arms around me rather than letting my anxiety take over. And ultimately, I want to be as self-assured with men as Hendrix’s lessons have encouraged me to be. So I let Hendrix pull me closer, his big, warm hand splaying over the small of my back.
I release a contented sigh, relaxing into his strong, warm hold, where the steady beat of his heart gradually lulls me to sleep.
The future can wait until tomorrow. Tonight, I have what I need right here.
Chapter 27
Istand in the cozy warmth of my living room, watching as Elizabeth and Gabrielle chat animatedly on the couch. Harper sits on the floor nearby, her wavy hair spilling over her shoulders as she sketches intently in her drawing pad. It’s been a week since Elizabeth and I shared that mind-blowing night together after our fight, and now, having all of them here feels like the pieces of my life are finally fitting together.
It feels like family.
“Careful, Lizzy! That cactus is prickly!” Harper warns with a giggle as Elizabeth reaches for the plant on the coffee table to examine it more closely. She pulls her hand back just in time and thanks Harper, pretending she would’ve touched the needles without the helpful heads-up.
My chest tightens at the sight of them all together. Not only do Elizabeth and Gabrielle get along great, but Harper adores her, too. I’ve kept the important parts of my life in separate boxes for so long, afraid of judgment if the truth came out. But seeing Elizabeth bond instantly with my family, it hits me that I don’t have to hide anymore. I don’t have to be ashamed of the unconventional family I’ve chosen.
It’s a lesson that will never leave me, but sadly, part of this scene still isn’t real. Our fake engagement will end next week, and everything will change. Elizabeth won’t be a part of this perfect little family anymore. The thought weighs heavily on my chest.
“Uncle Hendrix?” Harper looks at me curiously. “Is Elizabeth your girlfriend?”
I glance over at Liz, who looks startled by the question. My heart aches. I wish I could tell Harper the truth—that despite our ridiculous arrangement, I’m falling hard for Elizabeth, and I want her to be a part of our lives forever. But I can’t. Elizabeth and I haven’t even talked about that, and since she’s still planning to date after our deal is up, I can’t imagine she’d like to hear it.
I wonder if she knows just how much I ache for her to be mine.
“Actually, Harper,” Gabrielle says, “Hendrix and Elizabeth are just playing pretend. It’s like a game they’re playing together.”
She makes our situation sound so innocent. It’s the kid-friendly version of the truth we’d agreed on, so Harper won’t be heartbroken when our fake relationship ends. But as Gabrielle speaks, I suddenly feel even more hollow inside, the ache in my chest intensifying.