"Call and have the tech guys look into Dorian's cases and see if they might interest the wolves," Colby suggested, and Rex immediately made the call.

“They’re on it and we should have an answer in a couple of hours and in the meantime Dorian is being watched over. I’d prefer we did it ourselves, but I don’t want to jeopardize the tenuous relationship we have with him.”

“If he caught us keeping an eye on him it would take forever to win him back again. He already isn’t sure about us so make sure the team takes every precaution to keep out of sight.” Colby didn’t want to give Dorian a reason to not trust them.

"Olsen is leading the team," Rex informed.

"He's very good." Colby relaxed a little, but still, the thought that a wolf was watching their adored was unsettling.

Dorian missed them the second they left the house, and he had to stop himself from running after them and begging them to come back. Where this overwhelming need was coming from was a mystery. He tried to put his mind on work and the cases he was to review today, but his mind kept going back to Colby and Rex, the two most compelling men to ever enter his life.

"Push my meeting back to eleven. I'm going to be late." He called his assistant and also requested that the conference scheduled for tomorrow in Concord be rescheduled for next week. "Thank you Opal." He closed the call and went to take a shower and as he passed the bed his mind went rocketing right back to last night. He felt the thrilling fullness and the sensations and stopped to close his eyes for a moment to relive the pleasure they'd given him.

He suddenly felt bad for making them leave and wondered what they'd planned for today. They said that they wanted to get better acquainted. He should have gone with them instead of chickening out and claiming he had important work. There was nothing today or this week that could not have been postponed.

Dorian was finishing his coffee and heading for the door when he realized his car was still at the office. They’d picked him up and dropped him at home, so he called a cab and sat down to wait and again he thought of Rex and Colby. Their interest in him was so unexpected and yet it seemed so right and natural at the time. Normally he wasn’t quite so easy but with the brothers he did not feel judged or used he felt special.

His phone rang, and he answered. "Hello."

“Am I interrupting anything?” Paul chuckled.

"Just on my way to work," Dorian answered.

“So, what did you think of Rex and Colby? They were very interested in you.” Paul was fishing.

“They’re very nice men and I enjoyed their company, but I don’t have the time in my schedule for anyone right now.” He lied since he was not ready to discuss what it was he felt for those two men.

"You need to make the time, Dorian. Don't lose yourself in work."

“We’ll see where this goes.” He tried to bring the line of questions to an end.

“I called to let you know that Sloan and I are going out of town for a few days. He’s taking me to New York.” He was very happy.

“Does he have business?”

"No, we're going for the sights, the food, and we might take in a show. It's a mini vacation."

“You’ll have fun and for the record I don’t think Sloan is a bad guy. I didn’t trust him in the beginning but I’m starting to come around. He cares for you and that’s really all that’s important here. I wish you happiness and a long and loving relationship.” Dorian was speaking the truth he was convinced that Sloan sincerely cared for Paul whether the relationship would last forever was unknown and that was okay. Paul deserved to be loved and cherished.

"Thank you for seeing him the way I do. Thank you for keeping an open mind even when I know you don't care for his kind." Paul said, and Dorian was duly shocked.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked, eager for an answer.

"They're vampires, I know that you know." He responded as a matter of fact. "They're no different than you and I apart from a few enhancements and they are nothing like the vampires you knew in New Orleans."

“How long have you known about the paranormal?”

"I found out when Sloan recognized me as his adored. We bonded, and the paranormal world opened up to me. It's amazing, really." Dorian was completely blown away by Paul's easy, casual manner of discussing such a subject.

“That’s astounding.” He burst and then after a deep breath continued. “That fact that he was vampire and the entire Agincourt group were vampires had me so afraid for you. But you knew all along you knew what you were getting into.”

"There are no victims here, Dorian. I was offered a beautiful life with a man who loves me to distraction, and I said yes." He chuckled again, truly happy. "You'll see for yourself very soon."

“I’ll see?”

“I have to go now see you when I get back. Have fun.” With that Paul closed the call.

Rex was about to start pulling his hair; waiting was not something he was good at. "Maybe we should go to his office and try to talk to him." He said to Colby, who was just as on edge as he was but was better at hiding it. They were killing time at Colby's place, reviewing Dorian's cases to see if he was involved in anything that might anger or concern the wolves. So far, they'd found out nothing except that their adored was a hell of a good lawyer.