“This is going to be interesting.” Sloan rubbed his chin. “I’ll take Paul away for a vacation for a few days give you time to have Dorian all to yourselves.” Both brothers nodded it sounded like a good idea.

“Thank you, sir.”

“How did he gain the knowledge of our existence?” Sloan got down to business.

“He grew up in New Orleans raised by a grandmother steeped in the mythology of the place. He knows what he’s looking at, but he still adheres to the old ways of protection that we know are useless.” Colby enlightened and both Sloan and Rex kept nodding their heads in understanding.

“He keeps wild roses, along with religious paraphernalia and a variety of other talismans and potions. He sees the vampire species as dangerous and malevolent.” Colby finished with a sigh.

"The problem being is that he has been trained to recognize a vampire when he sees one." Sloan again cut to the point. "He has worked with Agincourt during the course of his job as a legal representative at Steinhaus. He has known about us for a long while, no doubt, but has not shared that information."

"Not that we can find, no sir," Colby responded.

“I understand now why he has such a problem with Paul being with me. The Louisiana vamps are not the best representation of our species. Dorian has probably had distasteful experiences and has attributed that behavior to all vampires.”

“That’s damn unfortunate.” Rex groaned.

"Yes, for all of us." Sloan agreed. "The time is coming very soon when those assholes will have to be taken in hand before their conduct starts to affect us all." Sloan stood, as did Colby and Rex. "We'll have to prove to him that not all vampires are alike. You two have your work cut out for you, but at least you won't have to explain the concept of the paranormal."

“But he thinks that we’re all monsters.” Rex broke in softly.

“There is that, yes.” Sloan sounded sympathetic. “Good luck and congratulations. I’ll see you and your adored at seven.”

“Yes, sir.”

Colby headed to his quarters to freshen up before picking up Dorian. Rex said he’d meet him in the garage. They planned to have a driver so they could both sit with Dorian in the back seat. It might feel awkward in the beginning, but they needed to be close to him, and the bond should smooth the way. Hopefully Dorian was feeling the pull to be close to them as well.

He dressed in a nice pair of black pants and a dark blue crew neck sweater. The dress was to be casual, so a suit was not necessary, and the relaxed dress would help to relax everyone present. Rex said he was going to wear something similar, although he chose a loose knit henley top in brown.

Thinking about Dorian had him wistfully considering the days and nights ahead of them. He and Rex had shared men before, and it had always been a very good time, but Dorian would make the experience special beyond comparison. Nothing will be as life changing as the day they claim their adored. Colby felt an excitement tinged with sharp anticipation course through his veins.

The thought of being with Dorian and considering the act of bonding was almost too magnificent to imagine. He and Rex weren't young; they'd been around for over a century and all of it with Master Kilconnor, but at this moment, he felt young and fresh. He felt the mystery and wonder of a new, full life forming before him. Being twins, he and Rex could often feel each other's emotions, and right now, Colby could feel his brother's excitement, and it mirrored his own.

He finished getting ready and headed out to meet Rex. They were to spend the evening with their gorgeous blonde, blue-eyed adored and hopefully set a foundation for a relationship that would soon fall into place. Rex was already becoming impatient, and they'd only met the man that afternoon.

It was difficult for vampires to separate or go slow once their one and only was identified. Rex tended to be overly enthusiastic and a little hotheaded, so Colby could only hope for the best as this evening was about to take off. Dorian would be feeling something for them; it was only natural, although he was a stubborn man, and he would most likely try to fight against whatever he might be feeling.

Rex was pacing next to the car when Colby arrived. "About damn time." He snapped, irritated. "You know he's going to fight us on this. No way he's just going to accept what's between the three of us." Rex voiced his own worries.

"Fate always finds a way," Colby stated. "Besides, if Sloan can do it, so can we."

“Paul was emotionally wounded and was looking for love when Sloan came along so he was not going to fight the pull.” Rex groused. “Dorian is more likely to drive a stake through our hearts than agree to date us.” Colby laughed hard and patted his brother on the shoulder.

“We’re just going to have to show him that we’re nothing like the vampires he’s known in the past.” Colby continued to try and be positive. Rex narrowed his eyes and grunted before taking a seat in the back. Colby slid in the other side, and they signaled the driver to go.

“How do you think he will feel about sitting between us back here.” Rex was seriously getting anxious, and he needed to get it under control.

“He’s too well mannered to make an issue of it. He’ll endure and our closeness will give us the opportunity to strengthen our connections and build on our bond.” Colby was confident whereas Rex was filled with doubt. “What is worrying you about this?” He asked. “You’re not usually one to be so pessimistic.”

"I've never had a serious relationship in my life, not even semi-serious, but I've known a lot of men. You know my reputation." He looked over at Colby. "Everyone knows my reputation."

“Just last night I was making time with one guy fully expecting to take him to the back room when the wolf shifter, Dolan, showed up and tried to take him. It resulted in a dust up and neither of us ended up with the guy but what I didn’t tell you was that the wolf shifter was a guy I’d bedded the previous night.” He turned away from Colby and stared out the side window.

“That’s the kind of life I’ve been living for some time now years even.” Rex glanced back at Colby over his shoulder. “How am I going to measure up to Dorian Haskel how is he ever to take me seriously?”

"None of us has lived a saintly existence. You made no promises to any of them because you knew that one day your adored would come, and there is nothing wrong with that. You were simply living your life, and I'm sure Dolan was going from one to another, too, considering he was challenging you for the one single guy in the place." Colby was not having it. Rex was a catch, and Dorian was going to love him.

"You're as good and pure as anyone, and Dorian will love and honor us just as we love and honor him. It is Fate's gift and Fate's plan." He patted Rex on the shoulder. "We take what is ours, Rex."