They entered the conference room and Dorian indicated for Paul to take a seat and Dorian sat next to him. The guards stayed by the door one on either side. They were a force that was obvious, and they watched everything that was also obvious.

"You met him Friday, and you moved in with him Saturday." Dorian began. "Tell me what part of that is normal."

“I know it sounds trite, but it was love at first sight. We met at Sin Lounge, and it was pure magic.” Paul tried to explain.

"I'm sure it was." He again looked at the guards through a narrow gaze. They were too focused, and Dorian could feel that all the control in the room belonged to them. "If you wanted to leave right now, walk away. Would they let you?" He nodded toward the men at the door, indicating who he meant.

"I am not a prisoner, Dorian. You're being ridiculous. They are protection, and Sloan wants me to have protection when he is not with me. This isn't something that will always be necessary, but I love and respect him enough to abide by his wishes. I'm happy, Dorian." He reached over and squeezed Dorian's hand. "Won't you just let me be happy?"

“Agincourt . . . they’re a different breed with a different outlook on life and they could devour someone like you Paul.” Dorian was worried about Paul, but he genuinely appeared fine and happy and really he couldn’t beat him up for being happy.

"I know you don't trust Sloan, and I know that you only have my best interest at heart. You've saved me so many times in the past, but this is different. How can I convince you that I'm okay?"

"Perhaps Dorian would agree to dinner with you and Sloan at your place. He could see for himself that there is no danger for you there and that Sloan is sincere in his love for you." The suggestion came from the guard with a cold gaze. They were twins, that was obvious, but they were not completely identical. One came off hard and cold, while the other possessed a touch of warmth. Neither should be trifled with their intensity, which speaks to a devotion to duty. The suggestion came as a complete surprise, considering the source.

“That’s a great idea Colby.” Paul smiled at the man, and he smiled back softening that severe countenance for a moment. “Come to dinner tonight at seven you’ll see there is nothing untoward going on. Say yes Dorian.” Paul pleaded in the last sentence.

“Okay, but where am I going?” Dorian still felt like things were off, and something wasn't right. He should have been satisfied, but he wasn't. Paul seemed okay and secure in his relationship, but it was with Sloan Dobre of Agincourt, so something had to be wrong.

“I will pick you up and see that you find your way.” It was the one called Colby, the cold one that spoke. The offer felt ominous, but Dorian would not give them the satisfaction of bowing out.

“I’ll be working late so pick me up here if you will.” Dorian didn’t want the guy to go to his home.

“Of course, I’ll see you here at six thirty.” Colby was acting too easy about this, and the other one was looking angry, so Dorian had no idea what was actually going on.

“Great, now that’s settled.” Paul got up and gave Dorian a quick hug. “You’ll see Dorian, there is absolutely nothing to worry about these guys are great.”

“Sure, they are.” He said noncommittal. They said their goodbyes and Dorian walked him to the door with the bodyguards bringing up the rear. They walked closer than before Dorian could feel them behind him breathing down his neck but they remained silent and followed Paul out the door as Dorian watched.

Before they stepped out of sight the warmer one, not Colby, looked back at him and gave another smile and a wink before disappearing around the corner of the building. Dinner with Paul and Sloan at the Agincourt complex in Belmont, that should prove to be interesting.

Rex and Colby saw Paul safely back to his quarters and then headed straight outside to the privacy of the garden. They took a seat on one of the stone benches within the cover of the flowering trees and sat silently for several minutes, just staring into space.

"Dorian Haskel," Colby stated, a little shocked and disbelieving but also wearing a big smile.

"Fuck me," Rex added with similar shock and smile.

"You felt it, too?"

"Loud and clear, and I'm going with you to pick him up this evening." Rex made himself understood. Colby turned to look at him with so many questions on his lips.

"We haven't shared anyone in years," Colby said with a chuckle.

“I do remember it being a good time.” Rex reminded and Colby nodded. They both fell silent again for a few minutes reminiscing about the past.

"I know that twins often share an adored one, but considering our tastes are so different, I just never . . ." Colby's words fell off, and he shook his head.

“I’m not upset about it I’m actually pretty pumped.” Rex stated and slapped his brother on the shoulder.

“This isn’t going to be easy.”

“This is going to be a bitch.” They looked at each other with growing smiles and a twinkle in their eyes.

“This is going to be such fun.” Colby chimed in.

“This is going to be a blast.” Rex agreed emphatically.

Colby and Rex left the garden and headed for Sloan’s office to report on the meeting between Paul and Dorian. They really should have gone there first, but they needed a few minutes to decompress after discovering that Paul’s best friend Dorian was their adored one.