It was late, but he had a call from another contact who could give him the details. The background on Sloan was taking time. His information was shielded in a way that spoke perhaps of an unnatural need for privacy. Everything he was discovering painted Sloan as guarded and secretive, like a man who had something to hide. His concern for Paul's safety and well-being was escalating, particularly since he still had not returned his calls or answered his texts.

He had no more than formulated that thought when his phone rang. He grabbed it and opened the call. "Hello. Are you okay?" He burst and jumped to his feet, anxiously awaiting Paul's explanation. "Why didn't you tell me that bastard boss of yours had evicted you from your apartment? I could have gotten a stay, and we could have taken him to court, but you shouldn't have been tossed to the curb." His anger over what had happened to Paul spilled out.

“I would have called you, but Sloan took me in and took care of things. I’m sorry I didn’t let you know everything happened so fast.” Paul attempted to smooth things over.

“Is he there with you now?”

“Yes, I’m staying with him.”

“Do you really think that’s a good idea? You just met him on Friday?”

“I’m fine we’re good and I’m happy. Sloan is fantastic and he treats me wonderfully.” Paul sounded sincere but Sloan was too rich and too powerful to suddenly take such an interest in a lowly accountant with little money and no connections. There was something else at work here.

"I'll meet you at your office tomorrow, and we'll talk. Honest Dorian I am happier than I've ever been in the whole of my life. Sloan is not Joshua, and I am not rebounding. This is real." Paul continued to press on.

"Okay, I was simply concerned about your welfare, and if you say he's a good man, then he must be a good man." Dorian did not see the value in arguing with him over the phone. "I look forward to seeing you tomorrow."

"I'll come early. Would ten o'clock work for you?"

"Perfect." They closed the call, and Paul heaved a heavy sigh.

"That sounded positive, and he seemed to understand," Sloan said as he gathered Paul into his arms.

"He doesn't believe any of it." Paul shook his head. "When he said if I say you're a good man, then you must be a good man, that was sarcasm."

"Don't worry, he'll come around when he sees how happy you are."

"I am very happy." They fell into each other's arms, and Dorian was soon forgotten.

Dorian closed the call, sat down on his sofa, and silently considered the situation. There were things in Charlotte that often defied explanation and maintained closely guarded secrets, and one of those was Agincourt. He was raised by his grandmother and grew up within the shrouded mysticism of New Orleans, so he understood that some people had a need for secrets.

He recognized people here in Charlotte that harken to the supernatural that had run rampant in the streets of his hometown. The Agincourt Bank and the Kilconnor group of which Sloan Dobre was a member gave off those vibes of mystical allure and the power of the scintillating shadows.

The fact that none of his contacts could give him anything on Sloan Dobre apart from the company line published in trade magazines and newspapers spoke volumes. Men like Sloan did not let their secrets get out. They lived their lives in private and showed the public only what they wanted them to see. He had the clout and the contacts to keep everyone from talking. This did not bode well for Paul's dream of happily ever after.

“You’re taking security with you.” Sloan insisted. “Your connection to me and the Kilconnor Coven is well known, and I will not risk having you out in public without a bodyguard.” Paul thought it was ridiculous and couldn’t imagine how he would explain a bodyguard to Dorian.

“I can’t show up at Dorian’s office with a bodyguard in tow.” He whined.

"You can and you will, and it will not be one bodyguard. It will be two. I'm assigning the twins Rex and Colby to your care." Sloan shot back. "They are security experts and trained in personal protection. The twins are two of our best, and they will see to your care and protection."

“You can’t be serious?”

“I’m serious please sweetheart you are not yet familiar with my world so let me take care of you. Don’t fight me on this.” He pulled Paul into his arms and kissed him hard and exacting. “I would die if something were to happen to you.” Paul melted in his arms and completely relented following that heartfelt statement.

“Okay, bodyguards are okay.” He whispered haltingly, so caught up in the emotions that he realized that Sloan truly feared for his safety.

“Thank you, baby.”


Dorian arrived to work early and waited in his office. Part of him wished he’d met with Paul at home the office was feeling weirdly formal for two friends to be discussing personal issues. He thought about it, but it was too late to change locations.

He sat at his desk and went through the limited information he was able to gather about the Austin Fields takeover. It looked as if Agincourt Bank took it in retaliation for Paul being fired.

It didn't make sense that such a massive financial move would be made simply to vindicate Paul Masters, but they made it look that way. He didn't know what to make of it. There had to be an angle for them because businesses like Agincourt did not do things out of the goodness of their hearts.

Colby headed to the dining hall, where he knew his brother Rex was having a late breakfast. He'd been out late last night at the Sin Lounge, but according to reports, he did not get lucky. Colby saw Rex over in the corner eating alone when he walked in. He grabbed a cup of coffee and joined him.