"Master Kilconnor has them under control with strict rules when they are off-pack lands. Shit like this does not usually happen." Colby added his comment.

"Thank you for sending someone to keep an eye on me. If he hadn't been there, I would have suffered in that fall." Colby was grateful for his understanding.

"We will always be there for you, Dorian. We will always protect you," Colby stated.

"You are our adored." Rex went for total truth. "Vampire twins are often gifted the same adored, and it's all part of Fate's plan. You belong to us both, my love. We will be at your side, never faltering. We will never forsake or desert you. This bond, the three of us, is for life. Our love will grow, and our bond will strengthen as each day passes." Colby was glad that Rex took the opportunity to get some of that information out there, and it looked like Dorian was grasping most if not all.

“I know what an adored is.” Dorian sat straight in his seat and stared out the front window while Rex and Colby kept exchanging concerned looks between them.

"We should go home," Dorian said and Colby immediately put the car into gear and pulled away from the curb.

"What the fuck, Dolan? What are you doing?" His younger brother Shawn tried to get his attention, but Dolan was fixated on retribution. "Ruben told me that you're stalking Rex St. John. That's just suicidal, man. Even if you manage to do him harm, his brother will kill you. There's no winning with this plan you have."

"Get the fuck out of my way." Dolan backhanded Shawn and then delivered a few kicks to his torso once he was on the ground. "You're soft, and you've always been soft. Why don't you go do your nails and let the real men in this pack take care of business."

"Rex St. John is going to kill you," Shawn said from where he sat on the ground looking up at his deranged brother.

“Go cry to Alpha Tyne or Beta Thorn and see if they can stop me. They’re as useless as you are knuckling under to the likes of the Kilconnor Coven. The vampires need to feel some pain and some pushback and I’m just the man to deliver that it.” He took another kick at his brother hitting him in the shoulder. “Rex humiliated me, and he deserves everything I give him.”

"Is that the excuse you're trying to hang your hat on?" Shawn shook his head. "You don't care about Rex any more than he cares about you. All you want is a reason for chaos." Dolan turned and smiled an evil smile, letting his brother know he was correct.

"He's going to kill you," Shawn repeated.

“Maybe, but I’m going to kill his adored first.” That smile went darker.

“Don’t.” Shawn snapped shocked by the depth of his hate, but Dolan laughed and shifted into his wolf and took off.

The minute they entered the house Dorian grabbed Rex and kissed him hard and then Colby and repeated the action. Rex was surprised but also delighted by his forcefulness. “I want you . . . both . . . now.” He articulated and started stripping off his clothes. Rex looked at Colby who looked as pleased as he felt, and they immediately began stripping down and following their adored into the bedroom.

“You surprise us my love.” Colby stated with a satisfied grin as they entered the bedroom and Dorian was wearing only his briefs. They had lost their jackets and shirts and were currently stripping off their pants. Rex was faster and joined Dorian on the bed a few seconds before Colby.

"I'm not going to pretend I don't want you because I do very much. I have been experiencing the awareness or the awakening that happens when Fated couples start to bond." He ran his hand down his chest and briefly gripped his hardening cock. "I see you, and I was scared at first, but I can see there is nothing to be afraid of because we are meant to be. I want to complete the bond and see where it takes us." He finished with a look of sweet expectations as he continued to stroke his cock, setting both Rex and Colby on the very edge of their control.

"We want you too, Dorian, more than you could imagine." That morning, he was so worried, and here they were ready to complete their bond and see where life took them. He glanced over at Colby in hopes he would explain the bonding process, which he did.

“We will make love to you, and we will bite you.” Colby began. “We have to feed from you to complete the bond.”

"I understand what's entailed, and I want you both. I want to feel you close, and I want to provide for you." Dorian was saying all the right things, and Rex was about to pinch himself, convinced that he must be dreaming.

“Have you ever been bitten before?”


"Some people find it quite erotic, but the act between Fated pairs is beyond anything that can be described." Colby was good at explaining and keeping him calm and engaged. Rex knew he was more of a bull in a china shop and would have said something inappropriate by this point.

"Once the bond is complete, the awareness that you now feel will open to you fully, and there will be no secrets. The paranormal world will be on full display." That seemed to excite him.

"Enough talk. I can't just sit here looking at these gorgeous bodies any longer without touching them." He reached down and ran the palms of his hands down Rex's and Colby's naked chests. "You guys make me so hot." He said on a breath and closed his eyes, arching his back, and slid his hands down the lengths of their cocks. "All mine."

“All yours.” They said in unison as the bonding began.


Dorian was letting go and asking for what he wanted. Rex and Colby were gifts that should not be ignored. He understood the claiming and the bond and every minute he spent with these men he understood more. The awareness was on him, and the clarity was something to be cherished. He wished his grandmother had known the truth rather than living her life in fear.

Colby rolled him to the side and positioned himself behind while Rex faced him and began a flurry of kisses to his face and neck. Colby lifted Dorian's right leg, and Rex pulled it up onto his hip, holding it there. Dorian, not one to be idle, reached down and began stroking Rex's hard cock. "I love the touch of your delicate hand." He whispered across Dorian's cheek.

Dorian felt Colby stretching him, working his channel open, preparing him to accept what Colby and Rex had to offer. Rex began a shallow thrust in Dorian's hand, and Colby plunged his fingers deep and full. He was still stretched from their last encounter, but Colby was making sure he was ready and tantalizing him with his touch.