“Sweetheart.” Rex exclaimed and reached for him as Dorian ran into his arms. Colby came from the side and wrapped his arms around him and planted a quick kiss to his cheek. Dorian was shocked that the public display did not bother him. He held onto these two men, and he didn’t care who saw him. All the limits and rules he’d given himself were crumbling away in the face of this amazing union he’d fallen into.

"Are you alright, my love?" Colby demanded. Dorian was effectively cocooned within the circle of their bodies, held fast and secure, and it was wonderful. He couldn't speak right away so overcome with the fact they were there; they were there for him. He simply nodded and held on to them, pressing his face to Rex's chest.

"You're safe now." Colby continued to speak to him softly and reassuringly while Rex ran his hands over Dorian's body, checking for any pain or injuries. He was falling hard for these two guys, and he wasn't going to play any more games. The truth was becoming clear to him, and he wasn't going to pretend otherwise.

“I’m sorry.” He said as emotions clogged his throat.

"For what, sweetheart?" Rex asked and gently rubbed his back.

"For being so stupid this morning and treating the both of you like you didn't matter and that last night wasn't the most wonderful thing to ever happen to me." His voice choked up, and he pressed himself closer into their embrace.

“It’s fine sweetheart you did nothing wrong.” Colby was being so nice, and Rex was so gentle. Dorian felt himself begin to get overwhelmed again, but he didn’t want to cry there in the lobby. They sensed the problem and Rex spoke to Colby.

"Take Dorian to the car, and I'll speak with Olsen and meet you in a few minutes." Colby nodded, and Rex slowly released Dorian, who wasn't going easy. He kept grabbing hold, not ready to let him go. "You're okay, sweetheart. Colby has you." He was being ridiculous, and he knew it, but something in him did not want either man out of sight.

"Okay." He managed, and after a few seconds, he released Rex and wrapped himself around Colby.

“Don’t be too long.” He said to Rex.

“I won’t.” Rex bent and placed a soft kiss to his cheek before heading off in the direction of the man who had saved Dorian in the stairwell. He wondered idly how Rex knew him, but he didn’t dwell on it.

Colby held him close and rushed him out the main doors and over to their car, a large black SUV. He got him seated comfortably in the passenger seat before rounding the front of the vehicle and taking his place in the driver's seat.

He then reached over and took Dorian’s hand in his. “Did you see who did this?” Colby asked.

“No, I was texting Rex, so I was focused on my phone when they ran into me. I hadn’t even noticed anyone in the stairwell with me until I was hit.” He explained as best he could. “I didn’t see them. It was just a blur of movement.”

"I'm so glad you're okay." Colby said and closed his eyes briefly before turning to look at Dorian directly. "We were so worried."

“Did someone call you?”

“Olsen, the man Rex was speaking with.”

“You know him?”

“He works for us.”

Colby didn't want to lie to him, but now he had to explain why a man who had worked for them was following him. "We needed to make sure you were protected." He began with that, but the look on Dorian's face made it clear he needed to explain further. Just then, Rex arrived and slid into the backseat.

“What did he have to say?” Colby turned his attention to Rex, but he knew it was a temporary reprieve.

"He didn't see who ran into Dorian. It happened before Olsen entered the stairwell, but he picked up traces of a wolf. He has his people doing a trace, but they haven't located him." Rex stated, and Dorian swung around in his seat to look at him directly.

"A wolf?" He stated, somewhat confused.

"You know about vampires, witches, and shifters. Olsen scented a wolf shifter in the stairwell." Rex clarified.

“Was it a shifter who pushed him?” Colby was getting angry.

"I don't know if it was the wolf, but Olsen scented a wolf in the area, and after last night, it seems probable."

“What happened last night?”

“I smelled a wolf shifter outside your house, but I didn’t find anyone.”

“Wolf shifter.” He said and his face took on a look of contemplation and after a few minutes of silence he continued. “I never met a shifter that I am aware of. I cannot recognize them like I can vampires and witches. Why would a wolf shifter be bothering me?”

"They tend to be difficult and often violent, so it could be anything or nothing they react to the slightest provocation," Rex added.