Page 24 of Girl, Bound

Holbrook leanedagainst the desk, his arms crossed, the very picture of a world-weary lawman.‘Oh, LaPlante and I go way back. He was a real piece of work, a walking timebomb just waiting to go off. But he vanished from Millhaven about seven oreight years ago.’


Holbrook paused, hiseyes distant, as if dredging up painful memories from the depths. 'See, Jimmywas married to this angel of a woman named Celia. She was a teacher, alwaysputting the needs of her students above her own. The whole town loved her.'

Holbrook's facehardened, a mask of barely contained rage. He continued, ‘But behind closeddoors, LaPlante was using her as his personal punching bag. When the truth cameout, people around here were one call to arms away from a lynching.’

Ripley let out a lowwhistle. ‘Don't tell me. LaPlante pulled a Houdini and disappeared before themob could break out the pitchforks.’

‘Yup. Vanished. Noone’s seen or heard from him since.’

Ella frowned, tappingthe name on the list with a restless finger. ‘But if he's got a criminal past,why can't I find any record of him in our databases?’

Holbrook squinted atthe paper, realization dawning on his weathered features. ‘It's probablybecause 'Jimmy' is just a nickname. His given name is James. Try running thatthrough your fancy computer system.’

Ella's fingers dancedacross the keyboard, her heart pounding as she typed in ‘James LaPlante.’ Thescreen flickered to life, a deluge of information cascading before her eyes. Amug shot stared back at her, a face etched with malice and cunning, framed byshaggy hair and a cold, predatory gaze.

‘Bingo,’ she breathed,her voice tight with a mixture of triumph and revulsion. ‘James AndrewLaPlante. Domestic assault charge from 2013. The details are... not pretty.’

She scanned the file,each sickening revelation twisting her gut into knots. Shattered bones.Internal bleeding. A woman's life hanging by a thread, nearly extinguished bythe hands of the man who had sworn to cherish her.

Holbrook leaned overher shoulder, his presence a looming shadow. ‘I can't fathom the audacity ofthat son of a bitch, waltzing back into town like he owns the place. Like hedidn't nearly get strung up from a tree.’

Ella scrolled further,her eyes widening as she reached the end of the digital dossier. ‘Here, look.’She pointed to the most recent entry in LaPlante's employment history. There,in stark black and white, was the proof that this Jimmy LaPlante was the samewife-beater who’d skipped town years ago.

Millhaven MedicalExaminer's Office. Janitorial Staff.

Ripley leaned in, herbreath hot against Ella's neck. ‘So it’s the same guy alright.’

Ella snatched up herphone, her fingers flying as she dialed the number for the medical examiner'soffice. The line clicked, once, twice, each ring an eternity.

‘Millhaven MedicalExaminer's Office, how may I direct your call?’ The receptionist's voice was astudy in professional detachment.

‘This is Special AgentElla Dark with the FBI,’ Ella said, her words clipped and urgent. ‘I need youto tell me when James LaPlante is scheduled to work next. It's critical that Ispeak with him immediately.’

The clacking of keys,the rustle of papers. A moment of silence that stretched into an agonizinginfinity.

‘I apologize, AgentDark, but it appears that Mr. LaPlante is a temporary employee, hired throughan external staffing agency. We don't have access to his specific schedule onfile.’

Ella gritted herteeth, the frustration boiling over like a pot left too long on the stove.Another dead end, another barrier standing between her and the truth.

‘I appreciate yourassistance,’ she ground out, the words tasting like ashes on her tongue. Sheended the call with a stab of her finger, the phone clattering to the desk likea gauntlet thrown down.

Rising to her feet,Ella reached for her coat, the weight of it settling on her shoulders like asuit of armor. ‘It looks like we're going to have to take a more hands-onapproach. Pay Mr. LaPlante a little house call, see if we can't rattle his cageand make him sing.’

Ripley flashed apredatory grin, the thrill of the hunt glinting in her eyes. ‘A personal visitto our friendly neighborhood psychopath? You certainly know how to show a girla good time, Dark.’

Holbrook tossed Ellathe keys to the car. ‘LaPlante's last known address should be in that file. Gokick down his door, see what kind of vermin come scurrying out.’

‘On it.’

‘Need backup?’Holbrook asked.

‘We’re good. We’llcall if we need it.’

Ella nodded, theadrenaline surging through her veins like liquid fire. At long last, a tangiblelead. A flesh-and-blood suspect to sink her teeth into.

She could only praythat they weren't already too late, that the shadows of Millhaven hadn'tclaimed another victim while they stumbled in the dark.