Ripley chimed in,‘Corporate hot shot and a street walker? Chalk and cheese.’
‘Our perp has avendetta against something or someone.’ Ella concluded. ‘Inconsistentvictimology, no overkill, clearly blitz attacks his victims. These people aresurrogates. They represent our unsub’s hatred.’
Ripley said, ‘The goodnews is that he’s no sadist. No overkill, no sexual assault, not even a speckof blood. He’s in and out like the SAS. You know what that means for us.’
Ella did. 'Blitz, bagthe body and run. It means he's efficient, and he doesn't hang around, so thechances of him leaving any traces behind are slim. Forensics are going to beclimbing uphill with this one.'
‘Do we know the causeof death?’ Ripley directed the question to Edis.
‘Not yet. Both bodiesare at the coroner’s office. You should have an answer by the time you land inMaine.’
Ella thoughteverything through, trying to unearth a potential motive or pattern. Twovictims, different ages, genders, likely from different walks of life. Serialkillers usually maintained consistent victimology, but in rare cases, they diddeviate from their preferred victim type. Dennis Rader, Richard Ramirez, AndreiChikatilo, Carl Watts. Tommy Sells. Sometimes, it was experimentation. Othertimes, it was opportunistic attacks on vulnerable targets.
But what was theconnection here? What message was the unsub trying to send? Did the body bagsserve a purpose, or were they symbolic? Furthermore, how did someone manage tokill these victims without leaving a mark?
Ripley nudged Ella andstood up. Ella grabbed her things and followed suit, ready to dive headfirstinto the abyss. But before they could make their exit, a knock at the doorinterrupted their momentum.
‘Come in.’ Edis barkedout a summons, then turned to Ella and Ripley. ‘Get going, you two. I need thissolved yesterday. We can't afford to have a body-bagging psycho running loose.’
Ella nodded, ready totrack down this amateur undertaker in the flesh. She turned to greet thenewcomer, expecting one of Edis's higher-up pals, a stuffed suit with a stickup their ass. But what she saw made her do a double-take.
The man who strodeinto the room was young, early thirties at most, with a face that could havegraced the cover of GQ. He wore jeans and a black jacket with the casualelegance of a model off-duty, his dark hair artfully tousled, his jawlinedusted with just the right amount of stubble. Such eye candy was rare aroundthese parts, and for a moment, Ella forgot how to breathe.
Edis cleared histhroat, breaking the spell. ‘Agents Dark and Ripley, meet Agent Luca Hawkins,our newest recruit.’
Luca stepped forward,a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. He extended a hand to Ripleyfirst, shaking it with a firm grip. ‘Pleasure to meet you, Agent Ripley. I'veheard great things.’
Ripley returned thesmile, her eyes twinkling with amusement. ‘Likewise, Agent Hawkins. Welcome tothe madhouse.’
Then Luca turned toElla, his blue eyes locking onto hers with an intensity that made her knees goweak. ‘And you must be Agent Dark. I've heard a lot about you.’
Ella took his hand,her skin tingling at the contact. She held on just a little too long, lost inthe warmth of his touch. ‘It’s not all true, I promise,’ she managed, her voicesounding breathy to her own ears.
Luca's smile widened,a flash of white teeth against tanned skin. ‘We’ll see about that. I’d love tofind out for myself sometime.’
Ella felt a blushcreeping up her neck, her face growing hot under his gaze. She searched forsomething clever to say, but her mind had gone blank, short-circuited by hisproximity. She suddenly felt like a schoolgirl with a crush, her heart doing agiddy little flip in her chest. Get it together, Dark, she chided herself.You're a goddamn FBI agent, not a swooning teenager.
‘I’d be happy to showyou the ropes,’ she said.
Luca leaned inconspiratorially, his voice low and intimate. ‘I'd love to pick your brainsometime, Agent Dark. Maybe we could grab a coffee, compare notes?’
Ella's heart stutteredin her chest. Was he asking her out? Here, in front of Ripley and Edis? Sheglanced at her partner, saw the smirk playing on Ripley's lips. Jesus, she wasnever going to live this down.
‘I... yes, that wouldbe great,’ Ella stammered, her face burning. ‘I'd love to.’
‘Perfect. It’s adate,’ Luca smiled. ‘I’ll let you get back to your… whatever you were doing.’
A date. The wordechoed in Ella's head, setting off a cacophony of butterflies in her stomach.She needed to get out of here before she made an even bigger fool of herself.
‘I should go,’ sheblurted out, backing towards the door. ‘Plane to catch, undertaker to catch,you know how it is. My cell number is in my email.’
Luca nodded, his smilenever wavering. ‘If you say so. Good luck.’
Ella mumbled a goodbyeand practically sprinted from the room, Ripley hot on her heels. As soon as thedoor closed behind them, Ripley burst out laughing.
‘Smooth, Dark, realsmooth. I thought you were going to combust.’
Ella groaned thenchopped her partner in the shoulder. ‘Jeez, did that really happen? Right infront of Edis?’