Page 5 of When 're Silent

Amelia’s breaths came hard andfast, her chest rising and falling with the tempo of survival. She cradledDemi, whose sobs mingled with the fading rumble of the train. For a heartbeat,Finn felt guilt in his bones; the woman he loved consoling the woman to whom hehad once been engaged.

But there was no time for suchreflections. As the adrenaline ebbed, reality set in like cold steel in Finn’sveins. Max Vilne had vanished into the labyrinthine bowels of the city, leavingbehind only the sinister promise that this game of cat and mouse was far fromover.

“Amelia?” he asked softly.

Amelia nodded. “I’m okay, justcracked my shoulder and back a little, I think.”

Finn touched her hand for a momentand she drew it away under the gaze of Demi.

The screech of the train faded intoa distant growl, leaving behind an eerie silence that enveloped the LondonUnderground’s grimy tunnel. Finn Wright’s heart was pounding in his chest, arelentless drumbeat that matched the throbbing pain coursing through hisclenched fists. His gaze fixed on Demi, her face streaked with tears and thegrime of the track bed, her chest heaving with each terrified breath.

“Hey, hey, look at me,” Finnmurmured, his voice a soothing balm against the raw edge of panic. He reachedout and drew her close, enfolding her in a protective embrace. The warmth ofher body, trembling against his, reignited a fierce protectiveness within him.“You’re safe now, Demi. You’re safe.”

He felt her nod, her sobs ebbing asshe clung to him, her fingers digging into the fabric of his jacket as if itwere a lifeline. Around them, the underground seemed to hold its breath, thedarkness oppressive, the walls oozing with the residue of fear and desperation.But here, in the narrow circle of Finn’s arms, there was a sanctuary, howeverfleeting.

“Let’s get you out of here,” Finnsaid, his voice steady despite the storm of emotions raging inside him. Hehelped Demi to her feet, supporting her weight as they began to navigate out ofthe tunnel. Each step was a defiance, a silent rebuke to the chaos Max Vilnehad sought to unleash.

“What did he do to you all thistime?” Finn asked, waiting nervously for the answer.

“Nothing,” she said. “He didn’twant me ‘spoiled’ before my time, apparently. He fed me, didn’t talk to memuch, and that was it. The only thing is this.” She pulled back the sleeve ofher top and revealed a gash in her arm. “I got that when he was dragging methrough the tunnels.

“We’ll get that looked at,” Finnsaid. “And a therapist might be...”

“I can do that when I get home,”Demi said quietly.

The path forward was lit by theintermittent lights that dotted the tunnel, casting elongated shadows thatdanced macabrely on the curved walls. Twisted metal and shattered concrete boretestament to the violence of recent events, a brutal landscape forged fromterror. Yet Finn guided Demi through this post-apocalyptic scene withunwavering resolve, his every sense alert for further danger.

As they approached the mouth of thetunnel, the dim light of the platform filtered in, a promise of safety afterthe abyss. Finn’s eyes met Amelia’s, her expression a complex tapestry ofrelief and concern. Without words, she turned and led the way up the steps tothe bustling city above, where life moved on, ignorant of the horror that hadunfolded beneath its streets.

Emerging into the night air, Finnblinked against the harsh glare of emergency vehicle lights that painted thescene in stark contrasts of blue and red. Paramedics converged upon them, awhirlwind of efficiency and urgency. They gently ushered Demi onto a waitinggurney, their trained hands moving deftly to assess her injuries.

“Take care of her,” Finn implored,his voice almost lost amidst the cacophony of sirens and voices.

Demi looked up from the gurney andheld out her hand. Finn took it.

“You’re not coming, are you?” shesaid.

Finn felt his eyes well up withtears. “Vilne is still out there. We can talk about it later, Demi.”

“No,” she said. “When you’ve beenthrough something like this, you know life is short and you want to get startedon the next chapter as soon as possible. I...”

“Demi, try to rest...”

“Finn,” she said through wearyeyes. “I came to the UK to persuade you to come home. But you’re never cominghome, are you? At least, not with me?”

"I don't know where my home isanymore," Finn said softly. "I know it's in the US, but once, it waswith us, wherever we would be."

“How did we get so broken?” shesaid through tears.

“Maybe we weren’t broken,” Finnadded. “Maybe we just didn’t fit to begin with. I thought it was the idea ofyou having an affair that broke us, but it wasn’t. I had been too distant fromyou for too long. That’s on me.”

“Can’t we fix it?” she sobbed.

Finn shook his head. “I love you,Demi. I always will. But sometimes you need more than even that to build a lifetogether. I think you know deep down, we don’t have the legs. If it wasn’t ayear ago that we split up, it would be now, or in a year? Hell, it could havebeen after we had kids, but one way or the other, we wouldn’t have worked. I’mso, so sorry.”

Demi covered her mouth with herhands as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Then something surprised Finn. Shewiped the tears away and nodded, then said: “I think you’re right. I want theFinn, who is works a normal job and comes home each night without the weight ofthe world on his shoulders. I want his main concern to be what we watch on TV,not untangling a case.”