Guy looks back and forth between them. “That’s it? How disappointing.”

“Honestly, Guy?”

“I’m sorry, Sylvie,” Oliver says. “You didn’t sign on to manage a kindergarten.”

Emily’s mouth purses, and my own neck starts to burn. Oliver’s right. We’re a bunch of bickering idiots. No wonder all we’re good for is writing made-up stories.

“Which cave are we going to, Sylvie,” Isabella asks, clearly trying to change the subject, “if not the Blue Grotto?”

“It is right around this cove,” Sylvie says, pointing ahead. “We will be there in a moment.”

The boat leaps through the surf as we approach the shoreline, then throttles down. Captain Marco turns and starts to follow the coast. As we come around a corner, three massive superyachts come into view. They’re anchored near an opening in the rocks, and the water is dotted with people swimming and holding on to pool noodles. One of the yachts is called Sorry and is flying a Canadian flag.113

“We will anchor here for one hour,” Sylvie says as Marco cuts the engine. “You can swim, enjoy the view, or take some sun. There is also a cooler with some drinks.”

She busies herself by opening the door to the hold down below and pulling out the pool noodles and a cooler.

“Are you going in the water?” Harper asks me.

“God, yes. I’ve been wanting to get in the sea since we got here.” I swim in the ocean all the time at home, even in the winter. Harper thinks I’m nuts, but it helps keep me sane-ish.

“Do you think it’s safe?”

“I keep telling you I’m a good swimmer.”

“But away from the boat…”

I stand and take off my shorts and T-shirt. I’m wearing a tankini underneath. My body’s a bit softer than the last time Oliver saw it without clothes on, and I like how this suit holds in my middle and pushes up my boobs.

Not that I spent ten minutes in the mirror thinking about it after I dragged my ass out of bed or anything.114

“What are you worried about?”

“Well, duh, you dying?”

I bend down and kiss her on the forehead. “I’ll be fine! Even better if you come, too. Be my bodyguard.”

“What’s all this?” Allison asks. She’s stripped off her sundress, and her perfect body is encased in a red bikini that leaves just enough to the imagination. I wish I had her confidence and her abs.

“Harper’s worried about my safety.”

“As she should be. And you too, Eleanor.”

Is that a warning tone in her voice?

I wish I didn’t feel like I had to parse everything everyone says to me for clues.115

“I’ll be careful.”

“You’re not worried?”

I stretch my hands above my head. “I am, but I don’t want to be. You can’t live your life like that. Wondering if someone’s trying to kill you all the time? Look at where we are right now. Look at how beautiful it is.”

I twirl around, taking in the 360-degree view. I flash past the others’ faces—Connor, Isabella, Oliver, Guy, Emily, Shek, Harper, and Allison on a carousel like they were in my mind this morning—and try to ignore the quizzical looks they’re giving me.

“You understand, don’t you, Allison?”

“I do.”