“I was talking about myself,” I say. “I don’t always appreciate what I have and where I am. I want to change that.”

“Deep thoughts for an afternoon,” Guy says.


“Don’t worry,” Emily says, touching my hand. “Connor won’t appear till dinner.”

“He’s otherwise occupied,” Shek says with emotion. Probably envy.

“Can we talk about something else? How does one get a cocktail, for instance?”

“She’ll be here in a minute.”

Sure enough, a waitress approaches the table with four lemon spritzes on a tray moments later.

“We ordered one for you,” Emily says.

“Thank you.”

“Keep these coming,” Shek says to the waitress, “every ten to twelve minutes.”

“Yes, sir.”

She leaves and silence descends.

“Do we have nothing to talk about but him?” I ask.

“Seems like,” Emily says.

“That’s pathetic.”

Shek looks at me over the rim of his glass. “Are you truly going to end the Vacation series?”

Did I tell Shek that? I don’t think so. But they’re probably all talking about me when I’m not around.

I know that sounds egotistical.

I only meant that it’s what I’d do.

“Why do you care?” I ask. I take a sip of my drink, and it’s even better than a classic spritz.98 Where has this been all of my life?

“Because it’s a big deal,” Shek says. “And a mistake.”

“I guess that’s my decision.”

“Take it from me. You don’t want to upset the apple cart.”

“I agree,” Guy says. “And Connor can be dangerous when cornered.”

“Why does everyone keep telling me that?”

“Because it’s true.”

“What’s he going to do, kill me?” I say this in jest, but it doesn’t sound like a joke.

“You know he’s in big financial trouble?” Guy says.

“He mentioned something about it but wouldn’t tell me the details.”